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RE: Ongoing Fractally Contributions: @merivercap

in #fractally3 years ago

Contribution: August 7-13

  1. Wrote Journey Into Fractally - #4: Recap of My Week & We Need A Contribution Tracking Tool (912 words ~3hrs)

  2. Wrote More Equal Animals - Chapter 3: Rules of Relative Power (Unofficial Summary). (summarized 2908 words into 256)

  3. Shared Significant Ideas/Wrote comment in response to @fractallymike (30 min / 292 words)

  4. Developed/Documented Idea A New Crypto Key Recovery Solution - can be used for fractally and crypto in general

  5. Fundraised for the DAO tool called dBoard - We Make DAOs Work. Spread awareness and monetary support for critical missing piece in DAO tools. dBoard can be used in the future for fractally or other DAOs. Reached out for donations and participated in twitter space. Gained 20-30 donors.

  6. Received two signatories for UGDP non-profit fractal project.

  7. Participated in Alien Worlds fractally meeting 8/11 - 2.45 hrs including post-meeting discussion