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RE: France Food Scandal, Carrefour City, Paris, 23rd June 2017 : Activist fight vs Manager who is selling Meat, Ice Cream and milk refregerated between 15°C and 25°C. Manager doesn't close the shop. Liberalism is good isn't it...?

in #france8 years ago

the action was good this time, but the way it was done, is not. The intention is clearly to make a buzz and you prove it by giving numbers of viewers.
He could simply call the police, even make that video without saying what he says. Listen to that again you'll see what i mean.

I don't support this kind of person, i've seen enough from that same guy you're trying to promote here ;)

but thanks for your effort contributing to the platform


Thanks. I clearly understand your opinion , i would have done it differently too ;). I'm also trying to make him more peaceful some times :).