I will respond to you in english. I hope you will answer back to me. I will ask you question to be certain we understand each others.
May the peace be upon you (may, because only God judges, and those who betrayed god will not find peace, do you agree?).
we > who is we?
will bring back > it starts in your heart and is translated in your actions. if your hearth and individual behaviors sucks what can you hope to achieve.
righteous khalifa, is an unnecessary redundant term, because the word khalifa isn't appropriate. as the khalifa is the manifestation of the khalif. The khalif mean the one custodian of the ummah? aka the community of the believers? as such the khalif can only be righteous otherwise he is an imposter.
what is a generation? how long does it last for you?
what are the kuffar? are the people of the books kuffar? is plaoc kuffar?
what are the mumineen? the muslims in arabic I guess?
remember according to the text, all mumineen will die... as such not win :)
good luck with your answer...