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RE: Flamboyant Frangipani.

in #frangipani7 years ago

With our gorgeous blossoms and unmistakable fragrance, a frangipani is an ideal tree for the garden, whether you entertain in its shade or simply sit, admire its blooms and take in its irresistible scent.
Frangipani blooms appear in summer and continue flowering well into autumn. They are available in countless single and bi-colour combinations, from the classic yellow and white to pastel pinks and oranges, and even striking reds and lilacs. Although the blooms look delicate, the trees are robust, with long lives, and can grow up to 8m tall. And if you’re short on space there are also compact choices.


Frangipanis are quite easily propagated from cuttings the trick is to allow the cutting base to dry out and callous over before planting. Late spring to early summer is a good time to take cuttings, but almost any time will do. Simply cut lengths of stems or lop off a branch, then remove most of the lower leaves and any flower buds. Next, stand cuttings upright in a shady place for one to four weeks. Once dried, insert into a pot filled with coarse sand and water sparingly until roots form.


Thanks for valuable gardening post @ctrl-alt-now.