Nothing evokes that tropical feeling quite like the frangipani. Their sweet scent and sheer beauty make them universally loved and the blooms look sensational on the tree and as a cut flower. Pick up some freshly fallen blooms and float them in a bath or bowl of water and it's easy to feel you're relaxing in a fabulous tropical day spa!
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Most familiar in their white and yellow form, they also come in loads of tropical and sunset colours, becoming more colourful the closer to the equator you go. Frangipanis are also tough plants that can survive neglect, heat and drought and still fill the garden with a wonderful perfume. What more could you ask for in a tree?
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Frangipanis are relatively small trees growing only to about 6m in height (about 20 feet), but what they lack in height they make up in width often becoming as wide as they are tall. Frangipanis are also great survivors coping with insect and pest attack. A cut made on any part of the tree will exude a milky, sticky sap that is poisonous to both humans and animals.
Frangipani Myths and Legends
- According to Vietnamese myth, ghosts live in trees with white and fragrant flowers including the frangipani. In Vietnam and China the colour white is associated with death and funerals.
- In Hindu culture, the flower means loyalty. Hindu women put a flower in their hair on their wedding days to show their loyalty to their husbands.
Picture Source - “Warming" oils -- such as those from Plumeria, sandalwood, lotus flower, frankinense, cinnamon and basil -- are said to have a calming influence on those suffering from fear, anxiety, insomnia or tremors
- Frangipani (Plumeria) is very rare in China, and even more precious than orchids. So, when a person gives frangipani flowers to a sweetheart, it is the closest thing to saying you're special, I love you in a culture where expression of personal feelings is frowned upon.
If you know someone who is keen on bonsai, and would like to give them a bonsai related present, Frangipani bonsai tree would be a perfect gift.