this is a really very good flower of plumeria frangipani.... i love flower...i have a garden my house.. Description
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5 Seeds of Plumeria Frangipani (Indian Yasmine)
Flower Color: unknown.
You get 5 seeds of unknown color. The mother plant is rose-yellow, father plant is white-yellow. You will probably get a plant with mixed color or something totally new.
The Plumeria or Frangipani or Indian Yasmine is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees. Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure moths to pollinate them. Plumeria are cultivated due to their color and fragrance in the tropical belt. The branches have a diameter of 2-3 cm and the leaves can grow over 30 cm in length. In their natural habitat they can grow up to 5-8 m, in our regions i a pot only up to 2,5 - 3 m. You can cut the flower very easily and she will branch up to 5 and more new branches at the cutting spot. Naturally it will only branch after Blooming and will looks a lot nicer than after cutting. When cutting the new branches will grow on the cutting side and look a bit like glued on.
Natural habitat: Mexico, Hawaii, Thailand Flower:
Large big flower pots with lots of 5-leaf- Blossoms with colors from snow white, yello to dark pink and with mixed colors like pink-orange-yellow, or pink yellow white and many shades inbetween.
Plumeria seeds need high temperature and high humidity to grow. Place your seeds perpendicular in potting soil (small side up). Best soil is a mix of normal potting soil mixed with cactus soil or use special Plumeria soil. Keep humidity up, dont water to often, keep more dry than wet.
In our temperatures she only grows in a pot. She loves high humidity and full sun. You can keep humidity up by spraying the plant with water once in a while. In Summer she loves a place outside in the sun. On cooler days a place inside is best (south window).
She loves sun and high humidity which will give yxou larger leaves and flowers. The Plumeria will also tolerate dry air but leaf and flower will grow smaller. You can even find plumeria in Egypt as garden plant in parks.
Keep soil moist but not wet, extra water in the plant pot should be removed. If you keep the plant to wet it will get mushy. So a bit dryer is better.
Do not keep her at temperatures lower than 10° Celsius for a long time. The the cooler the air the dryer the soil, the warmer the air the moister the soil.
To encourage flower growth keep the plumeria at a steady temperature around 20° celsius as long as you can. The best is when you keep her al year around warm at a very well lightes spot, she will bloom early and blooming period will be longer than normal. If you keep the seed at the same temperature all the time, your Plumeria will get Flowers fast than at a cooler darker spot.
Fertilize at least 1-2x /month, spring till fall.
Plumeria does not tolerate temperatures below 10°, optimal temperature is 12° Celsius and higher, but if you can manage a best would be 20°. She will loose all her leaves in Winter. In Warmer temperatures she may keep some or if she lost all leaves will begin earlier with new ones around january. In our temperatures she will start at march/april. The faster you get her a warm place and as much light as possible the faster and longer she will bloom. When she has "refueled" with sunlight she will grow faster and better.Rest period is about october/november. In this time do not water or fertilize the plant.thanks to sharing good post@ ctrl-alt-nwo