THIEFS is not a word, the plural for thief is thieves.
By the way, I fully support @fulltimegeek here, I never really liked Steems Bid Bots, nor their owners.
THIEFS is not a word, the plural for thief is thieves.
By the way, I fully support @fulltimegeek here, I never really liked Steems Bid Bots, nor their owners.
that makes two of us
and if it want for him i would be negative 100 or more lo
bernie is still sending me replies because of it and my opinons shame really
have a good day dontstopmenow @fulltimegeekis one of the more decent people ive convesed with
"convesed" is not a word you motherfucking halfwit retard.
Tie a cinder block to your leg and jump in a pool. Do your family a favor.
Thanks for the correction, as I am not a native speaker of English language... I do my best, and thieves is not a word that I write a lot, thankfully! :)
No worries, I know your native tongue is Portuguese. And sorry for being such a grammar nazi.
@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!
U fully support 16000 spam posts in a day as well? Copy n pasted aolp.
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