@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!
Even though you are speaking to a fake account, you obviously didn't think you were .. whatever your grievance, really classy calling women cunts dude .. real brave of you to be typing that from behind your computer screen.
@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!
petty bad when a crazy cunt who belives in chemtrails calls you crazy
Even though you are speaking to a fake account, you obviously didn't think you were .. whatever your grievance, really classy calling women cunts dude .. real brave of you to be typing that from behind your computer screen.
I guess you missed the L and failed to report plagiarism and image spam.