Scam fraud in the Bitcoin community

in #fraud8 years ago

Dear Steemit members,

I ask myself often the question is it really necessary that other people try with scamming and fraud, getting their Bitcoins.
And is there really profits in it, because there are plenty other stories of people that earn Bitcoins very easily on the honest way?
You see they have also put time and effort in it to build a nice looking scam site, So for me, it's logical that you put your time and effort in building good websites or investments to generate Bitcoins. So I have the guts feeling that there are some dark entities, that rather not like that the Bitcoin community and crypto currencies itself grow and prosper and prevent it from doing it. So I pray and hope that we the people will win this fight and that we al benefit from the growing wealth in de crypto currency market.

There are many websites and good programs that now are at the scam alert list, such as Eligius mining, micro-hash, New Age bank, etc, etc. The only good thing about this is that people get aware when they get scammed and hopefully will learn the risk of Bitcoin undertaking. But the main thing is that I not approve this way of earning Bitcoins with fraud and scam. Is there a way that the Bitcoin community can get rid of, of these problems.

We will see what the future brings us and I hope for the best.

Best regards,

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Unfortunately the only sure way to eliminate the scams is to not buy into them.

I invest in Bitcoin and Steem. I get both through legitimate channels. I mine Bitcoin using NiceHash and Hashflare. I earn Steem through blogging. All of these methods take careful planning, investment, and time.

Any site that promises huge returns with little investment is a scam. Most likely the scam is a pyramid of some sort, which means you may get paid once or twice, or you may lose everything (it's a craps shoot). You're better off gambling than you are "investing" in something that promises even a %50 ROI in less than 3 months.

Doing my own research on cost of equipment, mining from home has between a 180 and 212 day ROI. It also comes with a lot of noise and heat. Although some people say cloud mining is not worth it, you can get about the same ROI from Genesis, HashFlare, or NiceHash by buying a cloud contract.

I intentionally left out links out of courtesy, I have affiliate links for NiceHash and HashFlare if you would like to help me grow my own investment I will happily provide them for you, just drop me an e-mail at [email protected]

Indeed. To good to be true. Don't fall in these traps. Always be carefull.

Thanx for your reaction, there is much to learn and I am really excited about Bitcoin and crypto. This will be the future. That we all are self-sustainable, be our own bank and creditor, making self your products what you need, growing your own food or sharing it with others. So I am very positive about our future.

Thanx for your invitation I will send you an email message.

Absolutely, happy to help :)

Thank you, did you noticed that hashflare changed its policies between new contracts arrangement. The price is up and you get now a contract for one year.
That's very shocking;-(