The law is a cold hard set rule. We cannot betray it and if we do there are consequences.
I would have to agree with that statement after doing the year and a half for getting caught with weed before it became legal then getting out of jail and getting a DUI for weed while having my medical card. So a person prescribed xanax or adderall or opoids could be driving and it's legal, but I had to do 365 days in county for that cold hard consequence all because the laws can't keep up with the changing environment. Just because I agree with your statement of that is how the law works doesn't mean I agree with the way the law is. I liked how you began with acting like the people who came over here were pioneers and clawing for everything they got, which they sure were while stealing land from the Indians and pretty much just taking everything so I don't think they are exactly heroes?
The higher end class usually does not agree with the government's decision because they tend to give all the upper classes money to the lower class.
I do not agree with this comment at all. Even think it to be folly. What about the 80% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. If the "upper class" person has a good accountant at all they have likely spent their money to avoid paying exuberant taxes so maybe this could apply to maybe say a person who inherited all his/her money and had no common sense.
In Bastiat article he says that the government is put in place to be a positive leader and help those who need to be helped, but the government should not generalize everyone and just assume that everyone needs help which is how the resources will run thin. There needs to be more detail put into the allocations of all these funds. I don't agree with you saying the government wants to give good morals to people either. You can't mix the cold hard law with giving good morals to people. I think you're getting church sermons and law mixed a little too much because the two are not synonymous. Bastiat said the world is run by people who are greedy for power no matter how you look at it and I agree with that..