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RE: There Is Such A Thing Called Free Lunch!

in #free-society8 years ago (edited)

"...anti-communist undertones."? Read the author's works. He was a libertarian. What does Marx say about re-distribution? What do governments tell their welfare recipients? They tell the beneficiaries they have a "right" to someone else's produce. If you have it coming, do you say thank you? Or do you say, "Give me more, and make it quick."? The latter. And do you support a monster who brokers the transfer? Of course. Do you care if they get rich? Not as long as they deliver your loot. Oh, excuse me, "What you deserve". The author of TANSTAAFL was reminding the people who would like to forget they are receiving stolen goods/services that someone worked for their "free lunch". It was not "free" to produce, it took work. And in some cases, it was not freely given, it was taken by force. It is considered impolite to mention this nowadays, but it is not considered impolite to denigrate the producers, as was shown by openly hostile democratic delegates at the convention. They declared, one and all, business profits should be taken away, and if that caused bankruptcy, ah ah, too bad. That is the mental state, the insane anti-productive mentality of many people who are 3rd,4th, & 5th generation welfare/govt. worker socialists.



That is the mental state, the insane anti-productive mentality of many people who are 3rd,4th, & 5th generation welfare/govt. worker socialists.

Hello ! I usually don't post my age because of the "Age Racist" these days ...
I am 55 and live in the usa, and every day I grow more and more disgusted with these so called Americans. See, I'm from another planet, I grew up pulling weeds or churning milk for butter (Infant or a young child work) or I DIDN'T eat. That was a rule, no work, no food. (lack of manners at the dinner table got you sent away from the table, NO FOOD) ... I hate these people that I see every day ... They think freedom means a way of life to get any and everything without doing ANY work at all ... I will not cry anymore, lol I plan going to Mexico soon ... These retards can have the usa and swim in their own feces ... USA = Uneducated Socialist Asylum.
The ONLY thing I can think of that is free is sunlight ... air is NOT free ... You have to use energy to breath .. TANSTAAFL is what some of us LIVE by, MY mantra anyway !
"I think, therefore I am" (MY definition of Freedom ! ) I do appreciate your attempt to educate, but my friend, Sheep do not understand even simple concepts spoken in english.
I wish you freedom !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS