Hello guys
I walk out to some forum and found a thread that look like youre watching now (but without "Us only" words)
and I check out and I am really exciting :jinxer: but then i know its only for US (because there is no option to ship to other country) :okay:
so rather than i just skip and forget i want to share it with you :)
but before that, you must read this :
- only ship to us
- there is a lot of kids clothes but you can find the adult clothes like in this criteria : http://prntscr.com/brd240
- only the first one of the order that will be discount etc (you cant buy more than 1)
- they are doing some good donation to schools etc
- you get $20 by joining with the referral link : http://prntscr.com/brd2l5
and you get 50% discount with code in your email, so join with ref link and check your email, but if you dont want to join via ref link its okay, i think i dont take any profit wether you join with or without my ref link, except i sell the shirt to us people and they send me some money on paypal haha - the max amount of "free" clothes is up to $40
- so take a look at one clothes that the price is not above $40, order, fill ur address, and use the coupon, 0$ :grin:
- there are new clothes and used one, check the refinements
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