I'm still struggling to give away my work as public domain. I liked the links here. Through the links I discovered unsplash recently updated their website with a "coffee" button. Thats a donation button to the artists that made their images public domain.
Help me figure out how to add a bitcoin to art or at least make art have value.
Hi Bubblingwells,
Very much similar to your views ... a few days back I discovered 'Musicoin' a cryptocurrency specially beneficial to the musicians; at the same time cannot find one related to your query. Hope soon someone will bring something out on the similar lines for the Artists.
Regards The second part of your note contained something that led me to this link https://venturebeat.com/2015/04/09/an-artist-hid-4-87-bitcoins-in-this-painting-puzzle-triggering-a-frenzy-to-solve-it-and-claim-them/
I thought I saw QR-codes but it looked like a checker board pattern. Well, its got squares. you could do a painting with qr-codes. We don't know if she is telling the truth. How do we know if theres bitcoins in it. she could have painted on top of a paper bitcoin with public and private keys addresses. Maybe that will show up in xrays. cryptoart seems to look like paper bitcoin wallet, public and private keys in plain view. I don't think the artwork itself has any bitcoin info in it.
I see different amounts of flames around the edges. could be a form of counting system, maybe bar codes