How to make money in crypto with little to no work:

in #free7 years ago

Crypto is a growing investment strategy, but how do you make money when hodling isn't an option during a bear market? Instead of letting your profits dwindle, you can make money with almost no effort. I'm going to explain how.

Lomostar is a new platform that operates through a downloadable app. It lets users post envelopes filled with small amounts of crypto that can be used as a form of advertising. There are also frequent airdrops of new coins via red envelopes in the app. It also has a T2T function which lets users post trade offers, such as LMC --> BTC, meaning users can take the free LMC they get from envelopes and trade it to you for BTC at the price you set. Since users are getting coins free and they would rather trade right on the exchange, they are more inclined to pay a higher rate than exchanges. So you can send bitcoin to your Lomostar wallet, trade it for LMC at a 10% price increase, then transfer your LMC to bittrex and trade it back to bitcoin with your 10% extra profits. Once you set up your ad for your trade, you get notifications on your phone when a user wants to trade with you. Then you simply confirm, and you now have the LMC(or whatever coin you're trading for) will go into the correlating wallet.

To make it even easier: you can set up one ad buying LMC with BTC, then another buying BTC with LMC(or any variation you want, such as ETH to LTC) so if you put a premium on your price both ways, you can trade right from the app and grow your funds by just confirming trades. Lomostar updates prices almost instantly so you can set a floating price at a certain percent increase which fluctuates with exchange prices. So if you set a floating price at 10% above market price, it will stay at 10% above the current price, not just the price at time of posting the ad.

If you're not familiar with LMC, its lomostars token currently trading on bittrex for $.06, which is used for various things in the app such as buying diamonds or advertising through envelopes. Since it has such a good real world value, and how successful lomostar is becoming, it's not farfetched to believe LMC will rise to a top 20 Cryptocurrency by marketcap. It's a really addictive app and it may be the bridge that brings the average person into crypro because of its ease of use.

LMC buys diamonds in the app, which let you post ads or buy vitality points. Vitality points are used when a user opens a red envelope in world view. World view is basically the home screen of lomostar, where airdrops and user generated red envelopes appear. Users get 10 vitality maximum and are rejuvenated after 2 hours after 1 is used. Users can also be added to groups of other users they are following and open red envelopes within the groups, which requires no vitality.

Overall, this app has several paths to make money. From free airdrops to the trading function. Use my referral code below and get a head start on earning money through lomostar!

Referral code: 15G4eA