I am glad you are thinking this way. I very much agree with you in terms of the needed interaction. I always speak about it wherever I go, but being small minnow, very few people pay heed to what I say.
dear @happyme,
I have been suggesting this to @qurator team and they agree, except that it is impossible to make people do anything they don't want to do.
Anyhow, I will keep trying to set an example by interacting with people I write about, I follow, follow me or people that comment on my posts...etc
I am really honored by your offer to join your project. I would be very happy to do what I can to help :D
I respectfully disagree with you there. People are being controlled all the time and they don't even realize it. The trick is to make them THINK that THEY want to do it.
For the time being, simply participating weekly in my 100% SBD giveaway is already a way to be part of the process. The current contest is NOT the contest I want to hold, but I lack the incentive to get people to do more than simply choose a number and (hopefully) also share some up-votes. The eventual goal is to create some real content that is search engine friendly while at the same time conducting a contest. That's where I need sponsors with clout to create the incentive. Eventually, people will copy it and a new culture will be born.
I can see the truth in what you say. It happens all around us in our everyday life.
I admit, I still have a long way to understand how humans think. They are fascinating species to say the least.
I guess that is an easy thing to do as a start :D
Thanks for the initiatives
I've been chatting all day with a sponsor and I will need to make the contest a bit more content-friendly, so slightly more work for the participants. Hopefully that doesn't chase people away. We'll see how it goes.
You can only try and hope for the best :)