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RE: 68 Days since Austin Steinbart was put in prison

I believe in many things.
That which is fair and honorable, that there is within us a power so great, that many will use it for selfish or evil but most will know the importance of using it wisely for good and for what is right.
I believe that the current forms of control and administration of the Nation-State is so far out of alignment that we as a species are destined for extinction unless something is changed. I believe Q.

I also believe we are all Q, Although there is one that has offered himself up to those that seek to enslave us as a token and as a face for the name, so that they may focus their hate upon the physical person to blame for what they perceive as the reason they have lost control and are losing the war against the light and the righteous.

May he be let free of his bondage and his unjust incarceration by the wicked evil actors that pretend to be our impartial leaders and who pretend to be our noble law enforcement persons and jurisprudence forum. I send out positive energy and direct knowing that you are success and you are legion. You have an absolute army of digital soldiers who have your back as you have their loyalty. Every single one of us - even those on the fence or just fighting the old way of selfish thinking out of fear and self preservation, are wide awake and we all know the truth. Keep this strength upon you at all times brother, you wear the armor of all that is sacred and holy as protection and proof that your purpose is having an entire cultural effect and that it is succeeding in its mission. You absolutely have my support Sir.


Stick around... grab some tunics...