Went to the giron school. Ran into a master that is an old school guy.
And.i gotta work on finishing my giron diploma... Well maybe..
Although it was definitely a good thing to be able to get out and spend some time with other martial arts enthusiast. Apparently there is also a tournament that is happening this weekend as well. I don't think I'm going to be attending that however we'll see what all happens.
So today was excellent and we have more tacos. Tomorrow I think I'm going to work on getting me that nice wonderful amount of rice pudding. It's only a couple more days until the 1st... It's not far away. Then more food.
However I definitely have emergency food put away. And I'm going to just continue to grow my stockpile. The Mexican store has some amazing deals on me so I'm planning on getting a pile of Taco meat.
And then of course I also forgot to post last night and I woke up to getting my new controller and Gran Turismo 7!
Definitely was really happy to save 18 bucks on getting it from a reseller rather than I'm buying it new in the store.
Today is an excellent day. And hopefully here in about 3 minutes I can start racing my super wonderful cars and focusing on trying to get through all these license tests. In fact, I am so tickled I think I just might enjoy doing this all day today! Well with the exception of... Taking the dog for a walk and rice pudding!
Today is looking like an amazing day...
That's a good thing! An amazing day is always good!