#CALEXIT Debate Marcus Ruiz Evans vs Adam Kokesh

in #freedom6 years ago

Calexit president Marcus Ruiz Evans and Libertarian presidential candidate Adam Kokesh debate the future of the United States: California secession, or dissolution of the federal government?

Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/YesCalifornia/

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Hi, Adam.

Since you said that the screen shots were both “hysteria and lies” and also that you could not verify or deny their authenticity (mutually exclusive, contradictory positions), have you investigated yet?

You don’t fuck with people by threatening them multiple times via your flunkeys (Tatiana Moroz, Angela Fisher’s son, and then myself and my family) and then hop right back on here.

Your con job is not welcome here.

tweets I thought maybe I'd reach out here.Look who's back! Hey, @adamkokesh- did you have @benfarmer hire that hacker to fuck with @kafkanarchy84? I mean, since you're steeming again and everything, and since you never responded to any of my

I was going to post another gif but instead, I'm just posting the entire page of "bitch, please" gifs because it's too hard to pick just one!


Norp nerp ner nee nur, ya hurd meh!

I'm pretty sure that's what this video says.

@adamkokesh how does using statist means to achieve libertarian ends by voting for you make any sense whatsoever, unless as you put it youd like me to "put aside the ideology?" Plus you never addressed @kafkanarchy84 on why you threatened his family. Kind of low if you ask me, but I guess that is "putting aside the ideology" so you are practicing what you preach.

A little gift from a brother Marine.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment