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Nice, brighter version this time!
@adamkokesh, I think you should wait until 2024. Trump is taking out so many regulations. He might be a good first step. Like first shrink, then eliminate.
Papers are already filed, I am running and Trump is no different than the rest, I encourage you to watch the video.
I definitely agree with so much of what you say, I just worry that America isn’t ready to collectively rip off the band aid just yet, especially after Trump's first term. He’s doing wonders for business and the economy, yet as you point out in your video he’s still a classic Statist in many regards. It's been so long since America has had a president that's been genuinely concerned about America's well being. Now that people have a taste for what that's like, I don't know if they'll be as open minded in 2020. Also, if for whatever reason you should happen to not win; hopefully, that hypothetical scenario wouldn't end up splintering Trumps support to such a degree that Hillary’s replacement actor is able to take the office.
You give Trump way too much credit. So you are suggesting that we wait another four years. And in the mean time how many more lives have to perish in the war on drugs and the wars in all of these countries that we invade? The only reason that he should wait till 2024/is if he was not successful in 2020.
Hello @jayem. The very act of participating in a vote means that you are engaged in a contract whereby you consent that the victor of the election can rule over you for the next four years. For me, that's a contract I'd rather not be a party to. The only reason that I suggest that Kokesh wait for 2024 is because Trump seems like a one of a kind with respects to looking out for America's economic well being.
The economic collapse is going to happen regardless, but maybe with Trump's magic wand it can be pushed out a decade or two more? He does seem very good at making way for growth in this country; I don't even think that point is debatable.
I just don't know if Kokesh can realistically win at this point. Let me explain why; conservatives are closer to libertarians than democrats are. Democrats have even less in common with libertarians than they do with conservatives, but they don't know why because for the most part it's all cult of personality on that end of the SJW spectrum.
After the recent SOTU, the polls are indicating that Trump's influence is even beginning to infiltrate the minds of democrats. Trump has demonstrated a master level of persuasion. I mean he’s finally starting to defeat the mind tricks of the fourth branch, which is almost unthinkable in and of itself.
In a perfect world the libertarian candidate would always win, I mean if they were a real libertarian. Yet unfortunately it’s not a perfect world, the game is rigged, and the libertarians don’t even have an equal platform.
You saw how they did Ron and Rand, and how they tried to play the race card on them too. The Paul’s read the tea leaves and decided to cut their losses and keep the door open for the influence that they could still retain. That pissed allot of people off, including me. But ask yourself this, what if Rand Paul didn’t endorse Trump after he dropped out? Or what if he hadn’t dropped out at all, and stayed in? Would Hillary have won the election?
It’s just food for thought is all; by all means though, vote your conscience, that’s how it’s supposed to be right? Just keep in mind if you do vote, and don’t get the results that you like. The very act of voting was an act of consent to be ruled by the winner, and thereby; if you don't like the results, you've forfeited your right to complain about it.
A deal is a deal.
Why is there a problem with Adam running now? If he wins then we are better off than with the Donald. If he does not win, then at least he got the message out 4 years sonner than if he did not run until 2024. Win win. I did not cast a vote at the last election. So I did mot consent to this idiot or anyone else ruling me or any of my peers. BTW If the majority of of voters did not vote, by your logic, wouldn't that mean that the majority did not consent? I hear a lot of good things about Trump that gives me hope and then all hope is lost the next day when I see the next action that he does. Maybe there is a method to his madness. As far as I am concerned, the jury is still out.
@jayem, I hear you. Trump has me confused too. It's almost like instead of being firmly principled. He knows that life is less black/white, and more in the murky middle, so it's better to win some, than lose it all.
I'd be more comfortable with Kokesh if he would be willing to abdicate his votes to Trump if the odds were unrealistic near the end of the race.
To me, Trump is more often less worse, than the controlled opposition. For example, with Hillary it was saber rattling with Russia, which is absolutely horrifying, and utterly stupid.
With Trump it's saber rattling with North Korea, which I also consider to be utterly stupid, but less horrifying.
There is a Japanese saying: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." It's mostly true if you give it some thought.
I see trump as a qubit, he's either a one, or a zero, or both one and a zero. He seems to be constantly shifting as needs be. This might explain his ability to negotiate so well.
Thanks, am watching right now.
why turn back now? Pointless. If nothing else, you will completely clean house within the LP shithole. You hit it on the head identifying the COINTELPRO going on in the subterfuge. Just DON'T TRAVEL AROUND ALONE.
what trump is perhaps eliminating in one area, he is increasing 10 fold in other areas. Now we know Mr. Kokesh isn't going to win. Nor will it happen in 2024. This nation LOVES to be slaves and/or control freaks. Plus there are too many parasites being fed with the endless stream of counterfeit currency. However, this gives AK an excuse to meet libertarians around the nation, who, at some level of torture applied, will decide it's time to relocate to a Free County Project or a Free Town Project. I can envision an average of 2 taking place in each state.
I'm all for the Libertarian PR, I just hope at the very end, votes don't shift to the least desirable side of the coin. Yet, who knows maybe Kokesh can win hearts and minds. Trump pulled it off.
What the LP needs is this:

I believe AK is showing he understands it. Watch how he is working the LP state conventions to attain national delegates. Nice. He will single-handedly clean up that infiltrated mess as a result.
I forgot your on STEEMIT @adamkokesh, you have my vote for POTUS for sure. I have been following you on YOUTUBE for a few years now. You have been through a lot and alway's persevere. You are a damn good role model for what AMERICA REALLY IS. So thank you for all that you have done. You and your family have my support.
This is awesome! My whole family would vote for you if we were American. You have our support as Canadians!
The biggest fight is for trust. Our brains have been so abused and eroded we can't tell up from down anymore. The truth is the truth regardless. If we all work on honesty with ourselves and come to trust it, we will naturally gravitate towards the truth without worry. It ain't easy. Best of luck, keep on keepin' on, and @adamkokesh trust yourself, will follow.
Great response!
Trump has taken to the office of president really all too well, he has embraced the exact same rhetoric as the previous "Republicans", more war, more spending, more infringement on human rights, and more money for the rich elite. The coming years will be the same BS as the last presidents but by different means. Without addressing the debt and the growing wealth inequality and the federal reserve mismanagement, there will be a more civil unrest, contempt, and disparagement from the people. Get ready for a crazy year.
Spot on!
Adam definitely is one of the best spoken libertarians I can think of today. Not sure about his campaign (there will never be a political solution), but Adam's criticisms of USG actions as aggression and violence are spot on
So glad to hear a truthful response!
Watching the trump speech feels like I'm getting brainwashed. After that I think "huh, maybe trump isn't that bad". On the other hand Adam's video feels like the opposite of that, like an eye opener!
you are saying trump "isn't that bad" because of sometimes getting lulled back into the false dichotomy "choice" between the GOP and Dems. Allow me to bring things back into focus
i'll support freedom every step of it's ups & downs...👍
Self appointed 'leading Libertarian' ? I was with you when you danced at Lincoln Memorial, I cringed when you cocked your shotty in DC. Sir, all RESPECT due to you, but I do not believe you have the answers. You raise plenty of good questions. Some people are good mouthpieces and should put there energy in that.
fracas. I believe he was saying he is the "leading libertarian" in the LP to attain the nomination. At this point, that does appear to be the case. Who else comes close?
extraordinary posts,
continue mr@adamkokesh
Nice speech but it seems to me the State if Texas charging you with a felony offense (which is offensive in and of itself), your ability to legally run for office of the presidency is effectively done unless your attorney manages to pull off a miracle and have those charges reduced. I too was a victim of being detained and held for 92 days on charges completely based on heresay alone. In the end the attorney general of the county gave me a record of no bill. That only occurred as a result of hiring a powerful gang related attorney and paying a substantial fee. Better that than having a felony record and I keep that attorney on retainer now in an effort to keep the Soviet pigs of the United Soviet States of a America at bay. Good luck in your efforts.
On a hind note any rights you think you may have as a result of the constitution are null and void as we are still operating under the war powers act in this "war" on terrorism and "war" on drugs, your rights have been suspended until further notice. Be not deceived. It's all rather Satanic in my humble opinion.
you made good video .i saw it.keep it up
You need to either get a new suit or a new backdrop.
why Mr. 51?
because they match, unless camouflage is part of his strategy.
actually, I believe he was going for the "demure" look in this vid. I think his "greybar therapy" administrated by the PTB has finally sunk in. I believe AK is no longer in the "entertainment" business................ This shit got real for him that time in Sheriff Akin's cage.
Well done Adam. Truly nailed it. As I have said before, you have my support for 2020! #Kokesh2020
There are a lot of people that believe that you are wasting your time. They are losing the battle before they started the fight. Ron Paul did not win the presidency, but look at all of the people he has woken up. His name is better recognized than Romney. We need a real patriot for president, one that will fight for us instead of the banks and corporations.
Keep up the great work. I am a journalist myself, helped found intellihub and now work with The Daily Sheeple. Just starting to use steemit. I hope those here will check out my page as we have a lot of the same interests/concerns
Were you liberated by the "man"? I saw your interview at WAM not too long ago from prison, good to know you are out... our fight willnot be won in our youth, but with our ranks going higher and higher everyday, maybe our grandsons can achieve more freedom.
Carry on the message and the good work.
wooow wondeful
While I can support the ideas you're running on, I can't see a majority of voters, even a majority of Libertarian voters, voting for a full dismantling of the system. It would be nice, and fun to watch/participate in, I just can't picture it happening through a vote. It seems there is a lot more education that needs to happen before these views and solutions are understood and wanted badly enough. I've been following you
(listening to your talks) since 2007/2008 back in the Ron Paul Revolution days, it's been an interesting ride.
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