So I hope I can be as good as Thomas Paine. The last few months have been exciting for me. Many of you know that I met someone I have admired for years and joined his campaign for President. Adam Kokesh seems so exciting in his videos and I could have guessed that becoming associated with him certainly would change my perspective. What I have found by getting to know him is that, yes he is exciting, but so much deeper than that.

I consider myself a spiritual person, so is Adam in his way. While watching him fix food in my kitchen he explained to me that his spirituality really is Freedom. It, at that moment, reminded me of my studies into Deism and the writings of people like Thomas Paine or Voltaire. Adam is not that different from me, sure in practice we are quite different but not in purpose. Freedom is my spirituality to, you see, and as I learn more about the actual people who fought the revolution as opposed to creating this country, I have found that we have many things in common.
Adam talks about Love. That word is always on his lips. Love is what drives anyone who truly has a spiritual life. His depth is found in that word and many other words he uses. His depth can be found in the restraint he uses in difficult interviews when the person interviewing him says obviously racist things. Adam manages to disagree but not attack. Non-Aggression is another sign of his depth, when directly confronted and he manages to talk down a large man who came with the intent of having a fight. In his peaceful way he not only did not wind up in a fist fight but would up giving the man a book and a sticker.
That brings me to now, in the face of a police officer who obviously wants to take him to jail, less than an hour after he announced his candidacy and the second time pulled over in that hour, Adam is more concerned about teaching the three police officers about liberty than his own personal freedom.
That brings me back to Thomas Paine. I have the job, like Thomas Paine did of getting the message of Freedom out to the public, I am Adam's Press Secretary. Like Paine I am facing the most powerful Empire the world has ever known. I will not shrink from the call of Liberty. Again the forces of tyranny conspire to stop another R3VOLution in its tracks. They have made a mistake as tyrants always do. It is certainly their goal to intimidate Adam and those like myself who support him. Again, they have made a mistake, I will not sit down, I will not submit, I am not a slave, and I nor Adam are alone. It has begun!!!
-Marcus Pulis (Press Secretary)
Help get Adam out of jail:
Keep it up Marcus!
Intense times!
Great post!
Thank you!
Stay strong team!
Thank you!
Powerful words Marcus!
Adam has helped me soften my approach to statest when they defend their subjegation & call for mine.
This is such an important discovery. When engaging with others it's good to remember that they have an invisible belief system (Statism) and do not understand this fact. It's a package deal that comes with all the fallacies we hear. They have built-in justifications, denials, etc.. So being gentle is alway a good approach. <3
For me, I had to attack stinkin' thinkin'. I noticed when the temptation to give them a good old fashion toung lashing came, I literally have to take control of my mind & point it in positive direction. No joke, I didn't even reslize I was doing that untill I saw how gentle & loving Adam's approach is. In a good way, I felt ashamed of they way I had been talking to my brothers & sisters.
Glad to hear that!
Keep up the good fight guys. Now more than ever, whenever the conversation about our soldiers supposedly fighting for our freedom comes up, I will tell them to look at what Adam is doing as an example. I have more appreciation for what Adam is doing as a patriot then anybody else I have met or known. Except maybe for Ron Paul, whom I have had the honor to meet.
Thank you!!
That's a good way to help people consider that fighting for Freedom has nothing to with guns, tanks, and bombs and more to with education.
nice your freedom,,,,
freedom of absolute right for all of us
everybody wants to be free
nice activity that is carry on
You guys are not alone at all!
That is what we love to hear, thank you!
Very interesting, i had seen your postings before but had not clicked on it.
I was not sure who Adam is but will be looking more into it. He sounds like someone who i can support. I will follow you and be curious about this story. thanks for sharing and best wishes in 2018 for you both wherever the road may take you.
Check out the book!
I hope he is able to resolve his drug charges without having to do a lot of time.
Follow me
Wonderful post,thanks for sharing
Nice article
this post is very knowledgeable.good work in the artical.i did not know about it.thanks for shareing
I totally wish I could vote for you.
Wish you could too!
Fantastic Marcus! I went through that list of people you had to contact in the "media", but aren't they all just mouthpieces of the government gang? Isn't trying to contact them like calling up the PR person for the mafia, and trying to get them to print something? Don't forget that it really is just all a show, like Frank Zappa said, it is theater and the play is all written, trying to get Adam put into the script is a complete rewrite that the directors of these plays are not going to want; we need to get the word out some other way, other than going to the theater; either that or somehow get it into the play without them realizing it; you need to use their tactics on them.. not really sure how to do that yet, but I think we need to think along those lines, and realize the "media" is just an illusion of news.. think of them as a scripted play
Why not do an Adam Kokesh ICO on Ethereum with a NoPresident token, or TaxesAreTheft token, we could write an Ethereum ERC20 contract fairly easily, and the contract itself could guarantee the investment and the results; you could do one on Steem, as Steem can do ICOs too, but ETH is more popular and more known; if the coin takes off, that could automatically spread the news to investors everywhere; returns on the coin would spread the news and message, plus people would invest to earn, and a side benefit would be to spread the message of freedom.
Contacting the media it vital and has worked, have had some large local media outlets respond. And great idea about the coin but too much to figure out with Adam not here, maybe once he gets out we can explore that idea. Thank you so much for the support!
In April of 2012 a friend and I were invited to help livestream Ron Paul's appearances at Texas A&M, Pitt, and in front of the Liberty Bell on the mall at Independence Hall. I rushed to Men's Wearhouse to get a couple of shirts. I told the clerk where I was going. He quietly whispered, "the r3volution has begun."
Some of the footage in Philly is of Adam leading a march of people from nearby to the speech site. In a cold, sometimes driving rain, over 3000 people showed up and cheered Ron on in his campaign.
Afterwards, as Ron and his family drove away in their SUV's, a spontaneous crowd of 40 or so young people ran ahead cheering and waving, even blocking traffic for a moment for the SUV to turn out into the boulevard. Sorry to say the camera was turn off for that incredible moment.
You see, we were at Ron's announcement for office 44 years ago. I lived in his original district. The r3volution will continue, as long as it takes.
Hang in there Adam; great job, Marcus.
Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing and welcome to the Evolution. <3
Great article! Follow me back @romanian-abroad if you're into photography and travel. keep up the good work!
The police departments of this country are nothing more then mercenaries and terrorist for the communist establishment .