In the early days of government, propaganda was simple and crude. Perhaps the first example was a big caveman with a spear grunting angrily at a neighboring tribe, goading his people into attacking. "Bad guys! Over there! Be a patriot! Go get 'em!" As communications technology has advanced, so has the complexity of society, so has the complexity of the racket, and so has the power of propaganda. At first, if only to coordinate subdivisions, communication technology was essential to government growth. With mass public communication, the effects of propaganda became much stronger. It also made it worthwhile for governments to invest very heavily in the development of propaganda techniques. Governments use propaganda to create support for a wide array of policies that any free-thinking society would never tolerate.
The development of mass communications technology enabled governments to assemble massive armies of poor men, not only to fight and die in rich men’s wars, but to do it enthusiastically. Not only could they convince people to support massive welfare programs, but they could make them enthusiastic taxpayers who expect and tolerate enormous waste, fraud, and abuse. Not only could they take over broad segments of the economy by seizing private property, they could get people to believe that without governments, society couldn’t function! The propaganda techniques are so sophisticated, governments have convinced people to attack anyone who points out the uncomfortable truth.
Governments and their representatives lie to us directly, but the lies are so much more effective when someone else is delivering them. Governments have always materially supported propagandists who tilt the general conversation in their favor. Religion has long played a supporting role in oppression, as governments will promote religions that advocate obedience to government. Through sponsorship (and in some places takeover) of education, governments can strongly favor those who reinforce their narrative. Governments and their sponsors give credibility to their propaganda by supporting think tanks. They control mass media by corporate licensing, censorship, monopoly management of infrastructure, and limited access.
Staged conversations between preselected talking heads are a common tactic of propagandists because the best propaganda is the kind the targets don’t recognize. Experts who supposedly represent all sides of a debate have a lopsided conversation which draws people in with sensationalism and the credibility of personalities. The audience gets to decide who they agree with “independently.” A third option is not considered or is presumed irrelevant. Dissent is not acknowledged. And while the people think they are free because they are vigorously debating one socially-divisive issue or another, they are not considering the validity of the presumptions of the propaganda: government is good, government is here to protect us, we couldn’t possibly survive without government.
While propaganda has had a great multiplier effect on the effectiveness of the racket, (explaining its widespread use) its effectiveness is on the decline. While publication technologies once empowered governments disproportionately, we now have such an abundance of information at our fingertips that it is much more difficult to lie to us. As long as there are governments, there will be propaganda. As long as propaganda is effective, governments will always be possible. But because we are capable of questioning propaganda like never before, it will eventually be irrelevant.

Chapter 2 Section III From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh
I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more herehere. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you
This puts it all in perspective.
Countering state propaganda with liberty propaganda has become easier and easier. Some topics have just become too hard to gloss over for the state.
People opting out of their system is their worst fear. You can tell by how they react to new technology like crypto coins and 3d printing tech.
The meme war has begin, and we are winning!
great post
it may be irrelevent to those who question but in a universe where existence is dependant on dimensions...the third dimension being dependent on the balance of opposites, makes this theory you present null and void on a mass scale.
I downloaded your book a while back Adam, but never got around to reading it. Today is the today. Your hard work for the cause is very much appreciated, by many, I'm sure.
He has done great things for the cause of freedom. And he gives his book away for free. What a stand up guy.
Awesome, thank you for your support and for reading. Please let me know your thoughts!
Will do, will finish it tomorrow.
Yesterday's Shenanigans...