Regarding Angela Fisher (aka Angela Fisher Owens/Angela Owens)

in #freedom7 years ago

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Well, that's a shame. If she isn't cointel, you know it's coming. The more threatened the state feels, the more serious the attacks will be.

Her behavior is more than suspicious though, especially the bit about Mexico. The guys she was drinking with... a good cover for a handler? If you've never seen her behave that way before, I wouldn't buy it.

Good to know things are getting straightened out and thanks for sharing, being transparent. Those that see the wisdom of ending the Federal Government, will support your message.

Keep pushing the referendum, the only good government is no government.

There is no rightful authority over me, nor does there need to be.


You are a huge bullshitter who thinks I am a gay Zionist Jew, and calling for "hits" to be put out on people (everyone can see his comment below) is disgusting. Not really suprising, though, coming from you. Wonder if @adamkokesh will finally address your now violently threatening bullshit. Fuck man, what planet are you on? You did, however, call at least one thing out properly:

All you are doing is making the case for that which Larkin Rose and his buttBuddy, kafka84 warn against. spite of your plea in the last 5 min. of the vid. PITIFUL!!! EMBARRASSING. INEXCUSABLE. LOATHSOME. stupid rookies; the blind leading the blind. Again... WAAAAAY too smart to allow this shit in your tent.

Aside from the "buttBuddy" inanity, yep. This is exactly what I've been talking about, and warning people about, Princess. Not the first time, either. Kokesh's various "teams" have been surrounded by financial problems and silly drama like this for years and years now. And how does he handle it? He calls people "crazy" and says he feels "sorry for them" (or calls them COINTELPRO). Then he makes cringey high school gossip vids like this and still expects trust for centrally handling the distribution and control of trillions of dollars of land and resources after his team has made yet another business blunder.

He is more intelligent than this. You are right. He is also obsessed with the idea that there are conspiracies against him, when, in fact, the more likely story is that he is projecting all of this "plant" BS, and just makes bad business decisions. Maybe on purpose, if all the endless accusations against others of being "COINTELPRO" are indeed projection.

Glad at least somebody else sees how unprofessional this video is, regardless of which side one takes, if any. They sound like a bunch of high school girls at a sleepover:

and...then..and she was so drunk...I think she slept with him. And, oh yeah, some money went missing. She was also mean to me!

Lol. Wake up, people. What a fucking joke. This guy for president? Nah. Nobody for president.

Plus he and his team are sapping Steem for all its worth. We don't need this silly carnival here, in my opinion.

@kafkanarchy84 is trash. Its been a while since @adamkokesh house was raided and he was arrested on petty charges, he is on tons of lists. Guarantee he qualifies as a sovereign civvy and thats govt slang for a stone throw away from terrorism just like they considered Martin Luther King to be before he was assassinated. You are a fucking owl idiot if you think all this means nothing.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

to dissolve in one move the less necessary agencies by immediately resigning from presidential office. it sounds like it won't work, nor would anyone let him become president if they had a say.

Is it true that you sent a message directly to her 9-year-old son, Liam, telling him his parents might go to jail, and that they are “trying to screw” you?

If it were a true statement, and Angela was drawing them into tons of drama, then who gives a toss if an owl loses an eye?

Why you people want freedom from Federal government

Why would you want your noose to be looser? It doesn't benefit us.

Same reasons.

Yah, itu memalukan. Jika dia tidak cointel, kamu tahu itu datang. Semakin terancam negara, semakin serius serangannya.

Perilakunya lebih dari curiga, terutama sedikit tentang Meksiko. Orang-orang yang dia minum dengan ... penutup yang bagus untuk seorang pawang? Jika Anda belum pernah melihatnya berperilaku seperti itu sebelumnya, saya tidak akan membelinya.

Baik untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang semakin diluruskan dan terima kasih untuk berbagi, menjadi transparan. Mereka yang melihat kebijaksanaan mengakhiri Pemerintahan Federal, akan mendukung pesan Anda.

Terus dorong referendum, satu-satunya pemerintahan yang baik adalah pemerintahan.

Tidak ada otoritas yang sah atas saya, juga tidak perlu ada.

You need to do background checks.

@adamkokesh - A call for a "hit" on another human being has been suggested by one of your supporters here in the comments. Please address this. This platform is better than this.

so gay. so talmudic. go away kafka84.. You have no idea what war is all about, for real. Stay in Japan, buttlicker Kafka84. Don't stand there with all your faggot, talmudic-postured self-righteousness and tell us there is never a time for a "hit". If it weren't for that preventative strategy, I would have been taken out in '99 in Nevada while leading the charge against institutional Votescam in our state. But they KNEW if someone took me out, 15 of "them" were going down in cold blood within 6 months... perhaps with their families in their homes. And they KNEW I wasn't bluffing. They KNEW that I hid the 15 names in an envelope somewhere... the location of which, only two "influential" men who had my back knew about.

now stfu. you are so out of your league it's not remotely comical. ...on top of your silly attempt to censor my posts in a censor-free zone. Treasonous little bitch.....

So you are suggesting that the woman mentioned in the video should be killed? Is this correct?

I never take an option like that off the table. There would have to be a council of men to help me with that level of decision. But from what i gather from Adam's and his g/f's blathering, assuming Fisher is working alone, the "hit" can be less drastic, but sincerely painful. Should it include permanent damage? I would suggest she should be given a reasonable amount of time to return EVERY PENNY, and the penalty could be reduced. I'm not a pacifist, fuzzyPillowBoy.

This is inexcusable. First, I am so sick of DTube and their incompetence to feed a simple vid. So here is the You Tube link:

and here is my comment below the vid. Don't ignore it...

dude. Sad to say, but you are far too intelligent to allow this to happen. Thank the Lord your book can stand on it's own; and "Split 50!" is an idea anyone can put to good use. NO EXCUSE FOR THIS SHIT, WHATSOEVER, MARINE. You have established a VERY WEAK top-down organization which is completely inexperienced in politics, and completely naive when it comes to what they have to deal with. Ironic, when you consider the promotion of decentralization... so something like this sort of heist can't happen! I can only envision the look on Sheriff Akin's face when finally reaches his computer!!!

[email protected] Anytime. Anyone. If you have the balls to discuss it further. NO WOMEN PLEASE, for this topic. Stay the frig' out of the war room!

There needs to be a campaign HQ, with a state Director in all 50 state capitols. Asap. STOP PHUQUIN' AROUND, ALREADY. How much money did that thieving bitch make off with? There should be a "hit" put out on her to send a message to those like her, and the handlers. I saw this shit happen with Ron Paul's campaign right in front of my eyes with Eric Rittberg and co., back in '88. I saw it happen with Eric Klein and the Atlantis Project in '93. We all saw what Benton did to Ron Paul in '12. Now YOU?

All you are doing is making the case for that which Larkin Rose and his buttBuddy, kafka84 warn against. spite of your plea in the last 5 min. of the vid. PITIFUL!!! EMBARRASSING. INEXCUSABLE. LOATHSOME. stupid rookies; the blind leading the blind. Again... WAAAAAY too smart to allow this shit in your tent.

Again, as my retired Army friend used to say about Marines testing for land mines:
marine testing for mines.jpg

@adamkokesh has now changed his vote on this comment from a downvote (after I notified him of the call for killing someone) to an upvote (for a reason still not addressed for whatever reason), back to a downvote (after backlash). Still no actual address of what has happened here.

I think we should focus on educating people and getting people to run for office and win elections in our two party system and one party system in most elections. I think hit implies murder which I don't support. I do support campaigning against enemies of freedom and for supporters of freedom.

Just assuming the "hit" in a particular case was carried out resulting in a death, it would be argued in court as JUSTIFYABLE HOMICIDE. Very similar to what the "Subway Vigilante" did in NYC back in the '80s. ...where pleading with the Jury to understand the motive to be of a righteous nature. Don't "think", mysearch... GET THE FACTS. And frankly, if you continue to "think", which really means GUESS in this case, no one worth his salt will care who or what you support.

In politics campaigns often get infiltrated. Although you may feel that Angela may have tried to rob you of your freedom or something I'm not sure a jury would feel the same way especially since Angela did not do an armed and somewhat traditional robbery like the people who were shot on the subway.

they only get infiltrated if you are clueless as to how to stop it.

I think hit implies murder which I don't support.

The user, @fundposhprincess, stated directly that it means murder or physical harm.

correct. It usually depends on the level of vengeance needed, or perhaps a deterrence message for the perpetrator or his associates. I call it ANARCHIST-VOLUNTARYIST JUSTICE SYSTEM. How else shall you enact justice without a public Court system, which includes the Power of Warrant and Power of Subpoena?

Do you vote? Have you ever run for office?

yes. and, yes. And even if I didn't vote, I'd register to assure i get called for Jury Duty. FIJA, all the way.

See my comment above.

watch your back if you come to America. kafka84! Better yet, I will personally confront you to your face with a vidCam rolling. Just let us all know where you will be staying. THIS IS WAR, YOU SAD PHUQUE! THIS IS A DECLARATION OF WAR! CENSORSHIP WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, YOU FURRY-FAGGOT! ...hiding behind that Illuminati Owl symbol with the winking eye................. "watching us". There is no more need for talk from you. Again, WE ARE AT WAR! Out in Public! For all to see. May the Lord Jesus have Mercy on your soul!

I honestly am surprised you are deluded enough to actually believe I am some sort of state agent, and that I am a zionist Jew. Is this a threat, by the way?

yes you fuzzy pillow out there bloviating in japan. A DIRECT THREAT... IF IT IS YOU WHO IS CENSORING MY ACCOUNT. And believe me, I'll find out. I came into Steemit and have been spending endless hours in here since I heard Adam threaten Sheriff Akin with legal retaliation... based on a complete FREE SPEECH platform.

And frankly, in context here, I don't give a crap about your affiliation to the talmudThumping cult or "the state". This is a single-issue problem: CENSORING MY WORK in a private, professed "Free Speech Zone". God have Mercy on the individual who abridges that "contract". I can deal with not making an income from this structure; it's all gravy money for a step-grandaughter's college fund anyway... but NOT losing time and effort to self-appointed censors.... especially those who parade around telling everyone of their anarchoVol premises and moral high ground bullshit. I'll show you phuques what ANARCHY is all about!!!!

I am a devout Christian... but i am NOT Amish, Mennonite, Quaker or JW! Deal with it, boy.

I didn't "abridge" any "contract." The flag is part of this platform. You've brought this on yourself by being a dick to everyone. Regarding the large blow to your account, that was from the powerful Kokesh downvote, not me. I think it was a smart move. Calling for "hits" to be put out on people (especially ones you don't even know) is pretty serious business. Now you are threatening me with physical violence as well.

oh. I see. "being a dick" calls for censorship. what a phuquin' talmudThumpin' commie-cuck.


Yeah, asshole. I know what "serious business" is. Do you? You will find out if you return to America and face me like a man with vid cams rolling........ How much clearer do I have to make this threat ON THE RECORD to you? If it is you who is censoring me in here, you are gonna take a beating like you never felt in your pitiful pillowLife. And when I knock your sorry ass out, you better hope I am constrained from keeping your limp body in check in a cage until reparations are made! I'll show you what ANARCHY IS ALL ABOUT... because the cage of which I speak will be floating in International Waters. I hope you enjoy eating a little sushi............................

By the way, it was @adamkokesh that nuked your account. Not me. He sensibly acted after a call for murder was written in his comment thread.

time will tell. I believe he would 'fess to it if confronted.... which I will do when the proper scenario is set up. And if he gets past this problem with his inability to control his own treasury, it will be worth pursuing further. If he is guilty of censoring me, his hypocrisy will consume him with implosion.

And by the way DUMB-ASS: a "hit" doesn't have to be a murder. There are all kinds of "punishments" available. duh.

COME CLEAN ADAM. Are you the one censoring me? Is Fuzzy pillowBoy telling the truth here?

You don't need "time" to tell. Just look at the downvote. It is written right on your comment. Jeeze.

I don't even see where any "downvotes" are cast... and again, if a "downvote" causes censorship, WE HAVE A PROBLEM if the individual who did it, knew this. Steemit is seriously NOT user friendly to the average participant.

ANARCHO-ADAM: DID YOU CENSOR ME? I am 62 years old and obvioiusly in no shape to physically tussle with a former Marine who still apparently keeps himself in good shape. But this will be dealt with in the public forum, for sure. For shame, if it really was you, AK, sir!!!!! So far, since the "Letter to Akin" vid, on 3 separate accounts I have come ON RECORD willing to pay the ultimate price for you........................................
