
7 years ago in #freedom by adamkokesh (73)
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Enforced Prohibition has always created black markets, and given rise to organized crime. Be it in the form of mobs, gangs, police, or gov ops. It leads to more taxation with claims of protecting it's citizenry from individuals who happen to like a substance. It ruins many lives through fines, imprisonments, and deaths. It has little effect in preventing children from abusing, but has an ever increasing likelihood they could become a victim of the Enforcement of said Prohibition.
Well said, government programs tend to have the opposite effect to what they intended, just look at anti-poverty, competition, hate, and yes drugs which are slightly different because their intent was just an excuse for govt covert trade. But then, the others are all about taxpayer money being funnelled to politicians and their friends. The government has no right to protect people from themselves but that doesn't stop them.
Its all double think and theatre yet we keep falling for the promises made to us. How do we invoke real change?
Sadly, I think the game needs to play out till the end. We're already in the pen, herded and hooked up to the milking machines with our snouts in the feed. Sure, an odd hero might try to run but his cries of 'wolf' will go unnoticed by most. When the food disappears others will try to bolt but that's when they'll find out about the chains. At that time, they will tear themselves out from the milking machines and bite to protect themselves. Eventually they will get free and since most if not all will be awake/aware, they will hunt down those who kept them captive and start a new free society. Then history will repeat itself because we did have freedom before and lost it complacency.
Yes the pendulum is an issue to deal with and seems to swing fast when it shifts from one era to the next, however, attitude is everything. We mustn’t live defeated or broken. We stand tall and proud with our shoulders squared and feet firmly planted as though we have no defeat.
Exactly, Ron Paul suggested recently to rename the "war on drugs" to the "war on liberty" and I totally I agree with this. This war on liberty HAS to end!
Texans and the American people do not understand what freedom actually is. It's a hard battle to fight, teaching them what it actually is, but it needs to be done because they won't learn this shit in school! As for the war on drugs, if there were no government with a monopoly on the use of force, it wouldn't exist. As a matter of fact, the government is a major supplier and profiteer of the very substances they are supposedly at war with!
Thank you for you video. You Sir just earned yourself a follower.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
The war on MJ was started by a bunch a racists. Good Video Bro.
All the world is a stage, and the C I A has the biggest budget for their productions. Turns out trafficking drugs is very profitable, particularly when you can get a presidential pardon when your caught.
Look up how many of 44's pardons involved this behavior. I'm just saying.
I think The War on Drugs just means that the US Government will have it's military kill anyone that attempts to get it's drugs. A government has to make a buck.
But those plants are "dangerous"!!! They have all sorts of medicinal benefits. Giving people free access to them would be very "dangerous" to Big Pharma's bottom line. Why would people buy poison when they could just use a plant. Poor old Big Pharma needs the Feds protection, against these "dangerous" and evil plant's or else they might end up in the poor house.
Property rights are the simplest idea to understand but, it takes a ton of explaining for the typical mind to wrap their mind around...that is, if they ever do "get it". But ideas that are complex & totally contradictory, people pretend to understand the nuance that makes them "legitimate". Occam's razor type simple is my favorite. Do no harm & live up to your word. Super simple.
You earned yourself a Follower good sir.
You too buddy. Thanks!
Well then to be honest and consistent you will have to reject the Bible which is clearly pro-harm to enforce all sorts of laws of a theocracy. Not to mentioned those in diaspora are told to obey tyrannical systems like the Roman Empire as long as it doesn't force them to disobey God's law. Slaves are to obey their masters, even the unjust ones who abuse them and to take their punishment praising God. I'm sure you have all types of mental gymnastics in bible twisting to get out of it all. So much for Ocam's Razor now. I speaks this with love in order to open your eyes to the reality of your delusion thinking the that you can consistently philosophically and practically be an anarchist while holding to the bible. I'm sure otherwise you are probably a decent human being at least.
Thank you for the push back. I feel like I can be honest & consitent without ignoring the TRUTH of our FATHER's WORD. In a voluntaryist world I would choose to live in a community that employed our FATHER's WORD as it's guiding operating principals. You may choose differently but, as long as we're free to make those decisions for ourselves, I can hold true to the philosophy & my relationship with our Heavenly FATHER.
Seems kind of hard to see how that can work when is says in the Psalms a sharp two-edged sword is to be in the hands of the saints to execute vengeance and judgment upon the nations.
Plus, in a biblical society you have the death penalty for commiting certain crimes like adultery and homosexuality. Now, biblically one couldn't just do this and then after say they changed their mind and wanted to no longer voluntarily live under that society and leave and get away with breaking that rule.
God also has had his people at times completely genocide certain nations because of how sinful he saw them. He could do this again.
It's easy to take a verse here & there & make it say what YOU want it to. I found Anarchy in the BIBLE...not inspite of it. Your just plain wrong. It took me years to break free from the false BIBLICAL teachings I heard most of my life. You'd need to do the same inorder to fully understand. I'm sure I didn't twist any scriptures to fit my thinking. Instead I let the scriptures mold my thinking.
I agree with your advocacy bro.
Great post on a right part, i really can't tell the value of self distruction, all i can say is drug abuse is deadly and self destructive...ABSAINANT is the key.
Very good friend
Great post im agree with u dear thank you very much for sharing us @adamkokesh
Hum, I wonder if the drug war will ever end.
One day it will!
no it won't... unless the Deputiz'm Plan is put into play.
Good post mr adam. Yes, I agree
Government is the pinnacle of corruption and they are in the "god" business!
Guns Oil Drugs, so when they slapped those Latin phrases on their sigil-laden debt paper, they meant what they were saying
I believe that the war in Afghan was all about controlling the drugs market. The government is the biggest arms seller so taking a moral stance on anything is clearly a paradox
Well they can't patent nature........allegedly.
aceh the number one area producing cannabis
The meme made me almost choke on my breakfast laughing.
That's just great.
Government is loke awareness the danger of drugs.
Mantap,,,, menakjubkan
End the federal communist government and all unconstitutional wars especially THE DRUG WAR which is only there to protect pharmaceutical companies , beer and cigarette profits , enrich the prison industry , and make law enforcement members wealthy . HELPS ZERO ❗️All cops , prosecuters , judges , DEA , ATF , FBI , NSA and any agencies operating outside the constitution should be treated as enemy combatants and face military tribunals with a minimum sentence for anyone of them 20 years to life HARD LABOR WITH NO EXCEPTIONS ❗️USA corporation must be dissolved . Washington D.C. Must be shut down and also treated as enemy combatants and be liquidated . IMF and all involved should be treated as enemy combatants . LIQUADATE the entire federal reserve and install heavy surveillance into any governments formed afterward . Go after the wealthiest families that caused all of this like the queen of England 🏴 the Rothschild , Rockefeller , and any who planned our extermination . Many must be at minimum in prison . Break off relations with countries that have a monarchy . Make ROCKFORD ILLINOIS the capital of our new republic and eliminate Washington D.C. as the capital , and turn it into a memorial park NOTHING MORE ❗️