Is This a Revolution?

in #freedom7 years ago

When we see government for what it is, we are tempted to call for revolution, a relatively quick change. The transition to a truly free society will not happen overnight, nor should it. Clearly, this is an evolutionary process, not a revolutionary one. As we have seen in the past, revolutions without changes in the paradigm have resulted in more of the same. In some places, revolutions will be necessary. Hopefully, they will be backed with sufficient wisdom to avoid turmoil, violence, and the creation of new governments. The point of the message of freedom is not simply to abolish all governments, but to abolish all tolerance for being governed. Given the rapidly-accelerating pace of information, the shift from the statist paradigm could happen relatively quickly, but building a new society will take years, if not decades or even centuries.

The shift will not be smooth. Governments all over the world are already violently suppressing insurrections, censoring critical information, and silencing activists with incarceration. In some places, it will be worse than others. In some places, it will be quicker than others. When we see how people in other areas benefit from embracing the message of freedom, there will be a cascading effect. There may be revolutions within this global process, but this is far greater than any revolution. The transition to a free society, once begun deliberately by a critical mass of people, will be an evolutionary turning point bigger than anything that could be called a revolution.

Clearly, we are already capable of far more than we are achieving as a species, but to reach our potential requires a dramatic change in thinking. The only worthwhile revolution is one with a fundamental change in the paradigm. The new paradigm will demand universal nonviolence, and thus the abolition of governments. Anything short of that will only result in a new dispute about how or against whom to use government force. Understanding freedom leads to more than a preference for a little less violence and coercion. It creates a passion for justice based on absolute principles. If we do not reject every violation of freedom, we may as well concede that freedom is not important, and we would rather live like comfortable slaves.

If the message of freedom has stirred a passion for justice in you and changed the way you see the world, it is your personal revolution. If you do not share this message, then that revolution dies with you. Short of life itself, the message of freedom is the greatest gift you can give, and it gets stronger every time it is shared. If you embrace the message of freedom, having lived until now in a state of ignorance, frustration, or emotional slavery, it will be the beginning of a whole new life. And it starts right now. You know what you have to do.

Chapter 10 Section VI From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


Ways to efficiently counter the government by using THE ART OF WAR:

1| Only enter battles you know you can win.
2| Deceive your competitors to impose your will on them.
3| Lead your team as if you were leading a single man by the hand.

Yes people.. let the message of revolution not die with us. If we are working hard for our children to have a good life, then all our hard work won't count when their rights are suppressed by the government. They will not have freedom with the current state of ruling. We have every right to join this fight which doesn't have to be violent. Their are various means we can use like taking advantage of the media. @adamkokesh is the right example to all of us.. after all he has gone through, he has stood he's ground and he is not willing to stop until he witnesses a free society. The government is scared of the influence he's creating and they will use everything in their power to stop him but they won't come close to that. How about if we had everyone stepping in he's shoes... I guarantee you the state of this government wouldn't stand to face another day. The key to a free society is in our hands.. let's play our part.

I agree with you @adamkokesh learns a really difficult people to revolution in the new community building will take years, if not decades or even centuries. I thought, why life is full of violence and manipulation?
The ruler just sat quietly and in case of rebellion for the inequity is always considered as an anarchist (criminal)
The community can't do anything!!
It happened in the country I live in indonesia.
It is strange country

Who defines freedom? Who decides where are the limits? Whe have inheritated laws, social and moral rules that reflects the reality as it was years ago. For instance, we still debate the right (and morality) of abortion, and we try to put some limits to when it's acceptable. And the debate always have to include religious and moral reasons over the individual rights, and even over the health issues.
That leads me to the point of the government as the representation of the law, the limit and the judge of OUR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. The bureaucracy had become -mostly- the judge and limit to any individual action and thought. As I see it, the government main goal -no matter which ideological or political affiliation they have- is to keep control of the people. They only differ on the strategy they use for it: some are openly repressive, others exclude and segregate by law or using some kind of rewards for those who complies, or even controlling the use of citizens time. If you spend most of your day at work and worried about basic needs, you won't have time to think about your rights or discuss them with other people, articulate political actions to demand for your rights... that's a subtle form of domination that even most "liberal" governments uses.

How to become free...
It's all about education, but not the kind who teaches you to comply. It's about the education on values (non-religious), it's about every one knowing and living on a common sense of justice and respect for each other. Tht way the formal government structure will become obsolete.
We can use technology to bypass some of the governmental efforts to control every action of the people, by sharing the message of freedom, to find some ways of act and organize out of the reach of formal institutions (government, industries...)
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are a threat to the control over individuals, and we can use it that way. The Venezuelan government launched a cryptocurrency (Petro) as an effort of keep control of money, and other governments are spectating of the result.

I hope I explained myself, english is not my native language

I found very interesting your text on vice and virtue, I will re-read both texts with more time this weekend.

Violence is actually merely the result of all the "No's" and "Dont's" imposed over us by society. Violence is the outlet of frustration or anger which has accumulated over many years due to the lack of Love we experience in the world.
Whenever we follow our Heart we will get back a reflection of "yes, it is possible". It lies WITHIN. Revolution starts within. The moment we realize this we have anchored the inner Faith and we can always resort to it. Any "no" is not ours but comes from external negative manipulation of "not being enough".

Regarding war, putting gloss on conscription by saying it is an honor to partake in war for one's country, costing thousands of lives is only one of myriads of ways the people have been manipulated. Tyranny cloaking as democracy...

Best wishes!

the revolution is here!!! i believe we have to do our part in it, that is how we managed to get the golden ticket and incarnated at this time because we have a roll to play in the shift xx what a great time to be alive xx

Esta bueno tu post, @adamkokesh. Pero debemos tomar la palabra Revolución con mucho cuidado. Todo se esconde tras la máscara de lo que es revolucionario. Si hay revolución, debe haber cambio. Transformación. Arrancar de raíz lo podrido. No sirve cortar, porque como un árbol, puede reconstruirse. La idea de un no gobierno es una idea atractiva, pero difícil y casi imposible. Pero no hay peor lucha que la que no se da.

There is no answer here. Any form of truely "free" society will be dominated by threat of death through organized violence. You're talking about fundamentally changing how humans work as an animal.

People are violent, jealous, envious, and power hungry human beings, and that isn't going to change short of genetic engineering. The human condition will always be in the way of "paradise".

people are violent, jealous, envious, and power hungry human beings, and that isn't going to change short of genetic engineering.

Good talk.....thanks for sharing

Every Revolution has lead to one government being replaced by another.

good post, I follow you, I'll pay attention to the way you post.

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Thanks for sharing! We need to fight for change and fight for what's right. Even a single effort by every person can make a significant impact. We should embrace the opportunity to create change, and if we dare we can chase that opportunity too.

well post dear,i like this topic.
thanks for share....

revolution can change any types of anarchy...

Couldn’t agree more . Good point .

You are right it is happening all over the world but it will be very difficult, I personally don't think humanity will be able to eradicate government, human beings have all history being subjugated by the powerful ones, old traditions die hard. And you can see it by the huge amounts of people who embrace government, the minds of these people, that includes most of us have to be changed first before true freedom can be reached.

Exactly , Freedom has not come suddenly.When the all classes people are get and utilized ,in then can make revolution ,but all people don't understood it at a time and some are so slow.When they higest crisis,Only feel it then.


in defiance of tyranny...

they may take our lives
but they will never take our FREEDOM!

-- William Wallace (aka @adamkokesh?)

nice write bro.i accept you.
thank you

La libertad de los pueblos e fundamenta en hechos y no palabras. Los hechos no necesariamente tienen que estar basados en la violencia.
Para alcanzar la libertad se debe aprovechar la violencia del enemigo.

Government will be disposed of once we learn to let go of it.

Good ...

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I believe that the revolution has to be mental, once people make the change of mind, and think as free people, then a genuine revolution can be developed that impels freedom. It is impossible for there to be a revolution and then people wake up, they must wake up first so that there can be a revolution. That is why we must continue to expand the message of freedom.

A Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Individual Rights might be the best we can do for a very long time. There are other governments waiting in the wings to take-over a disarmed and revolting people. Don't let them get our guns in the first place. Protect our first and second amendments. Speak up against those advocating more gun control. Don't let our rights erode little by little, piece by piece.