Adam Kokesh Arrested! "If you don't hear from me, please come find me!" #FinallyFreeAdam

in #freedom7 years ago

Please help get Adam out of jail:

Features his first stop and warning, then the next stop that occurs within the hour, which ultimately leads to his arrest.

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@adamkokesh I followed the link you placed above: - placed $1000 for your bail also paid the $125 for your impound and the $75 for your dog. Anything else you need brother let me know. Hope you are alright out there let us know what happened during the search when possible.

This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen online. You know, people keep saying the internet separates us from one another, but its moments like these that make me question that statement. You fucking rock theJohalFiles

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

It actually connects us, which is worse for elite. They'd rather keep us divided and fighting each other while reaping the rewards.

Your Awesome.


Thanks for supporting @adamkokesh! Hope to hear he made it out soon!

Good man. that was kind of you.

Yo yo yooooo!! This is the shit I'm talking about.

The amount of power that will be given back into our hands through decentralized platforms. Issss gooooddd.

what incredible generosity!✌

Your are onr of the most interigent person have found no post but alot of income from comments @thejohnalfiles

Adam Kokesh is a true american hero!!!

Please keep us updated. I can't do much to help financially, but I'll upvote.

OK, I didn't know who this guy was when I first saw his video. Now I suspect he did this on purpose as a publicity stunt or he his criminally stupid. He did everything wrong in the first stop and I believe the second stop was a direct result of the first stop. Before he even opened his mouth he did 3 things that I would never do. Then he opened his mouth, these cops either played right into his stunt or he is a complete idiot. Temp Tag, No Registration, No Insurance, let his Pit Bull up in the officers face, then when asked if the dog would bite, he said not unless..... Not what a cop wants to hear. Then he mentions Bitcoin, then he gives the officer material with his web info, after he just posted a video abut legalizing pot and taxation is theft.
If I was going to tell someone how to get arrested to just watch this video. Still disagree with him being searched and arrested. Just saying I find the sequence of events curious.
The Police exist, that is a fact of life. I have long made it a point to not get in their sights, because I know once you do, they can do what they want and their isn't a damn thing you can do about it. A couple of LA County Deputies taught me this lesson well. They claimed my Valid Drivers License was fake and took me into custody until they could "Confirm" my identity. Why, because when they asked me where I was going, I was dumb enough to tell them. I was on my way to visit my sister in prison, as soon as they heard that, I was fucked. They towed my car and left me stranded 200 miles way from home. They told me I could get my car, after I hitch hiked across LA in the rain. They put a "Detective Hold" on my car so not only could I not get my car. I couldn't even get anything out of it. It took me 2 days to get home, thank god I wearing my coat when they pulled me out of the car or I wouldn't even have had that. Never saw the car again. And why, because they assumed that if my sister was a felon then I must be also.
So is it any surprise that after giving a cop a link to a video of him advocating for pot, he gets pulled over and searched.

shit man, that's fucked!

Here's a quick write up about it for anyone who wants the short skinny. I also included the link to help Adam get out of jail.

Thanks. The text at the top looked like Adam was stopping the cops and warning them, which is likely to trigger a conflict. Why didn't he say, "Hey, I'm going to be your next president! Give me a pardon and you can be my crony!"

Let us know if you need bail donations or the like!


He included a link to that right above.

cool, thanks... am tired :P

its kinda funny that the dog alerted on the other side of the RV where Adams camera was not filming

the dog alerted at the door, when she sat, that's why he patted her and said "good girl"

No the dog sat down at the door waiting to go inside. He was waging his tail because he could smell Adams dog.

The dog hit with another dog inside, sketchy!!!!

really informative and interesting post.
keep it up.

Saw his FB live video earlier, but never heard what the charges were for.

Same here. There were no charges made and no reason for the arrest.

2 drug charges and one felony tampering with evidence

hello mr. @adamkokesh
I am new in esteem, I really need a vote from you help vote my post @rizkisyahmaulana
thank you so much

Um....knowing you are a target you get on the road in a vehicle that is newly purchased and dont have proper paperwork. Then you give them reason to pull you over (acording to their law whether we agree with it or not), by "speeding"... Dude, why would you take such a chance? Does anyone else see what I'm saying? Not trying to piss in your cheerios but really?

I don't think getting pulled over is the problem, it was the get out, let me search you, let me search the RV, then getting arrested, was the problem. As soon as I saw the other 2 officers show up, I knew they were going to search.

I'm confused about this situation. Any driver in the US is required to provide driver's license, registration and insurance paperwork to police. Any cop is going to be suspect of anybody who can't. The first trooper gave the guy a break, the second was going to give a warning about speed, the dog alerted to something. A bad sequence of events for sure. But if all the required information about the vehicle and driver were provided at request, I believe this would have turned out differently and the man would be bitcoin convention bound.

wrong, that officer fully intended to search that vehicle before he pulled it over. If he ran the tags and it was not reported stolen, that's all he need's to know. The driver had proper ID and no report of stolen. Why didn't the first officer detain him and request K-9. They tell you you are getting a warning right before the magic question. Its a psychological trick, they get you to drop your guard then hit you with, can I search. If you say no, they call K-9 and the dog always alerts. I have never seen one video where they say, well the dog din't alert so you are free to go. No the dog alerts 100% of the time.

If the charges are a result of the search, I am going with Darwin award winner.
Who speeds, no tag, no title, in texas, with drugs on them.
At the very least you don't speed, that is why they invented cruise control.

I hope he @marcstevens'd while he had the chance.

Completely agree. It isn't always because he's "Adam Kokesh" and they're out to get him personally. Could have easily happened with anyone else driving under those conditions....

you are correct they will do this to anyone, because we let them. There is no reason to hold someone on the side of the road for that long, if you get pulled over for speeding, write him a ticket and send him on his way. You don's have to prove something is NOT stolen. If it wasn't reported stolen, then it wasn't.

Where was the presumption of innocence?

i always wait your new post because your post is very good post so i liked in your post if your agree may be reasteam your post so i liked this post

No good at all!

I resteemed the post.

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

These pigs know they have something to fear in some one who is telling people their supposed to be free. If "We the People" woke up to that reality en'mass thay'd be out on their ass. ...that rhymes, almost.

Hey, i wrote an article about psychology of libertarians, you may be interested!

Hang in there brother. Waiting patiently on more news.
The world is watching. =)

Stay STRONG... And come out and continue even more.

This is crazy! what do they want with you??? is anyone in contact with Adam and can keep up updated? let us know if we can do anything!

What he is accused of, I can not understand

I mean I really doubt just going with the second officer would've been an L for humanity, it just would've saved time and not gotten you arrested. 16:40 sums it up.

Nice and Strong Video

they don't send the hord unless ..........ya they saw you comin! The first one conspired with the second one and so on and so on.
I recommend you go into your campaign speech and just keep asking them for their vote!

I like your post and video that I looked I put to you like for tedious work

It seems like they love you at the Gray Bar Hotel....

Keep fighting the good fight my friend!

please vist my blog sir..encourage me.. i request you sir..

I would love to visit there. Great article!

They just will not stop fuqing with him.

@adamkokesh Any Updates? When is he getting out? ppl are worried :(

Had the same shit happen driving North to the Canadian border in NY state.....pulled over twice in a half hour....once for speeding 73 in a 65 and once for staying in the left lane for too long as it is just a passing lane.....ugh.....that dog alerted because it smelled your dog.....its bullshit


I found out around here before, that from the news!!!

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when tyranny is law, revolution is order ✊🏽

Congratulations @adamkokesh!
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lol.. The old K9 alert scam. Do they think we're that stupid? They can't even use some originality in their excuse to illegal rummage around. Probably looking for some bitcoin to pocket..

Sure, they had reasonable cause to stop for the traffic violation, but absolutely no reasonable cause for a search, as that was not the reason for the stop? They're just making it up as they go along.

the dog did alert! hahaha

My friends dad was the k9 officer in the next town over and out of his mouth he told me he can make the dog alert at any time he wants. the dog is a tool used to force even when there is no cause. Dogs only operate on command. If i ask my dog to speak, he does. same thing the officers do, they tell the dog to alert. Biggest scam ever. America's largest street gang.