in #freedom7 years ago

I’ve been here in Decatur, TX all day and here’s the situation:

Adam’s bail has been set around $76,000. I negotiated with a bondsman (who has been really helpful since yesterday) and in order to get Adam out today, we would need to come up with $6,000. Obviously, we want that lowered. This is where you come in-

CALL FLOOD REQUESTED! Contact District Attorney, Barry Green’s office, and ask them to lower the bail for Adam Kokesh since he was illegally searched, created no victim, and the case is going to be dismissed anyway. DA Barry Green can be reached at 940-627-5257

Also requesting CALL FLOOD TO THE JAIL where Adam is being detained! It is very cold in Texas right now and Adam’s requests for an extra blanket have been denied, despite the fact that his permanent disabilities sustained while in the Marine Corps are made more painful by cold temperatures. The Wise County Jail’s number is 9406275975.

Time is running short to get these calls in today! Let’s flood ‘em!

-Ben Farmer


There are 2 pages

I can transfer $6000 in Steem. Do you have the keys to cash out to BTC for Adams account? Localbitcoins is the only way you could get 6K in cash in a decent amount of time.

Always amazing coming from you big boss.

Yes I do and can.

Done. Hope that helps. #kokesh2020 lets decentralize everything.


No worries. Hope the process goes smooth and they can free him asap. Looking forward to an update from Adam when he is out.

what happened to baloo?

Baloo is safe with a friend :)

Is there any update to share? He has gone before a judge by now, yes?

amazing! <3

NO FAKE!!! I checked Adam's wallet to see if my tiny little donation made it, and I saw yours... I Salute You Brother! I only say this to encourage others, I know you are doing this for the right reasons :-)


@thejohalfiles it is really great how you help the freedom cause with your upvotes and your steem dollars.
May God bless you!

Thats a realy kind gesture thanks a lot @thejohalfiles.

God Bless you bountifully

Wow. That was very kind and generous of you, thejohalfiles.

Again .... THANK YOU.

What is the status on Adam's release from kidnapping & ransom?

Try and use Right to Subrogation

That’s amazing brotha!! I just paid a bunch of fees to call from my side of the world but it was all worth it, Adam is paving the way and I can’t wait to strut along it😂😂

6K transferred just like that to another liberty lover. That is.....simply, amazing. I hope one day I have the wealth to be able to help like this. Good on you man!!!

God bless you bro

May God bless you more and more.

An amazing offer and much appreciated by Adam's supporters, or at least this one!

@thejohalfiles You've been one of the greatest assets to the Steemit community with your upvotes which consistently push liberty focused content to the top of the trending pages on Steemit and Dtube. What you're doing to help @adamkokesh is absolutely going above and beyond. You're an inspiration to us all, and I'm so grateful for all you do!

What an amazing thing to do, you give me hope that there is a chance, that we might just get past crony capitalism, that is he single most unselfish thing I have seen done on here @thejohalfiles , when I started here 30 days ago, I watched the war going on about the crypto man H raping the reward pool, where are these people at times like this? the rapists, the big money makers on here? I am astounded, simply astounded, and was ready to walk away from this site, with all the arguing going on, you just put the faith back in me, and I dare say back in many other new people, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

@thejohalfiles send to Steem account and I can transfer to what people need for the cash! Already got half sold if you can deliver.

Thank you for this! I'm just thinking out loud about a future situation like this. Does anyone know if bondsman accept a payment from a Visa debit card? If so, then shapeshifting Steem to Litecoin on a Shift card (hooked up to a Coinbase account) may be the fastest way to turn digital currency into bondsman cash.

This guy! This is why I voted for you!

Thats awesome, I hadnt heard of Adam before this post. Super glad to hear about this man. I joined Steemit because of the quality of content and the courtesy of the comments Ive read over the last couple months. Hoping that I had found something wholesome, and despite the reward pool manipulation I am feeling really good about this community. Thank you to Adam, I am small fry but Im now in your corner. Thank you @thejohalfiles, this goes a long way to making me feel like Im in the right place.

Your generosity will be rewarded by God. I wish at heart you multiply what you do for a brother in trouble. Blessings.

You truly are amazing and put others to shame. I am in Scotland and in a financial situation whereby I could not help Adam. However I have been promoting his cause and plight over here. Hope that goes someway to help him. Anyways......THANK YOU for all you have done.

It might have taken me ages to find you and your content on here being a newbie. However, due to your generosity you now have a new follower. This is what community was meant to be.

Thas crazy!

an hour before you were arrested i posted ...Finally Someone Worthy of the Presidency, Adam Kokesh is running for President 2020!! on my facebook page just FYI...You really need to completely understand what an effective Resource based economy is and how it functions...World industries are annihalating the earth.

.gov a business, S.O.P.

Lets hope not everyone reading this has such a short memory.


That is a messed up story. I think Adam is SINCERE. Maybe one of his crew was "bought" to fuck him over by .gov. If his crew is incompetent , that is a bit scary, but if he were to get in office (i can dream right?) and close this shithoe down right away after gaining office then his skills may not be that important, we all have weaknesses.

Very difficult to judge a man who is sitting in a prison illegally kidnapped, thanks for posting, I am now more confused than ever lol.

Hell yea lets get this decentralized!!

I hope those who arrested him illegally will be held accountable.

Ah. THIS, MR. RH, is THE most important posting in this strain! I believe Mr. Christopher Cantwell is setting precedence for such activity. Apparently he has an attorney ready to do just that once the "people" of VA lose their case against him. And with all these people coming up with cryptoCurrency for Kokesh, they have a right to demand he doesn't act like a sadSack victim any more (I wasn't impressed how he handled the bullshit his county put on him and his "homestead" with the phony zoning issues in the middle of BFE).

HOPE, DOES NOT DO SHIT, did YOU CALL the SCUMS? Come on, NOW is the TIME, I am 47 and only woke up last year, this world is controlled by evil right now. It ain't gonna stop saying "I hope's" (Not really pointed at you , I am JUST AS GUILTY as are ALMOST ALL OF US) WHY ARE WE ALL NOT ON A PLANE TO

WHERE ARE THE MILITIA FOR BUNDY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This is STRANGE.

I can't call as in England but sending my energies and resteeming :) 💯🐒

Who are you the fond of Adam?

Pls rephrase the question with enough grammar that I can figure out what you are asking for.

or perhaps try it in your native tongue. LOL sheeesh. We can always find an onLine translator. Right?

:D there goes my VP lol
I assume you can use SBD and cash it out?
I just got a payout I can fork over ;) Not a big one but it's still something.

[sarc] COLD in Texas? Don't they know about Global Warming??? :P
LOL Godspeed, Adam, prayers going up for you!

Yes I have the keys, anything helps!

OK, just got it all in one form, had another payout come in :D
God Bless you, I'm assuming this is Stacey? Adam has good people around him, I've seen it in the videos. Git-R-Done!!! :D

lets us all pray

@adamkokesh I miss you on RT, remember the time you put the Guy Fawkes mask and spread the Anonymous message? Those were the days.

If I am not American and I have a bit of Italian accent will it make it better or worst?

Maybe they think "Mafia" and it scares them so much they release Adam? ;)

Haha 😂, this made my day. I’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse!

LOL ;)

oh, do make us a vid.....

What's the holdup in getting him sprung? Seems like lots of money has been donated.

Here is info that I found about Adam’s arrest on the clerk’s website. He is facing some charges, unfortunately.

What a joke... clearly intimidation :( land of the free.

100%, SCARY

Best of luck.

It's been too long. Adam needs jail every so often or else it means he isn't pushing it 😉

What was their basis for stopping him, searching his RV, and then arresting him?

I’m on it now, I live in Australia and can
See this is wrong, I just watched a few of his videos and I really do hope he succeeds in his task of becoming president

They are going to say the dog alert gave them the right to search the vehicle.. oh COPS

$76k for doing nothing wrong?
That's crazy!
This country is becoming more and more like a tyranny!


yeah... but don't worry. One is still free to drink his urine. AAAAAHAHAHAHA. lol

LOL! Yes true freedom is drinking your own piss!


wait. Remember how that movie ended. Better we use this pic! LOL
the patriot - gibson - ben martin attacking.jpg

The ending of braveheart is perfect!
Just as it is in REAL LIFE LOL.
Are we being sheep right now not buying a plane ticket? My Answer is YES! I REALLY DO NOT want to go alone, ANYONE Want to take a trip with me as in 100 people or so lol. PLease. We can video tape it and spread the word..... or I can sit on my couch and talk about him like I care but my ACTIONS (or lack of really)BETRAY me.

I am astounded by the generosity of the people on here..... Adam is a a lucky man to have people like you on his side...... I just wish I could do more than just talk right now......

So I came across this case of (once again) people in power trying to oppress somebody expressing his right to free speech, just because they find it provocative.. I looked up the individual in question and I must say I was impressed by his achievements and the values he stood for.

Let me first start by saying he is a VETERAN, he fought in Iraq, served in that capacity from 1999 to 2007.

Became a republican and further a libertarian where he called for a " new American Revolution " and stated his intentions to run for president in 2020. That is pretty impressive coming out strong as a man with his clear intentions straight forward. That to me is a quality of someone that has a purpose attached to his ambition.

He has been an activist since 2008 bravely speaking against the government and calling them out on their bulls**t (pardon my language) and once again he has been held captive by the oppressors disguised as "servant leaders" .. But this time not for long Im sure. I want to use this post to increase awareness and say boldly ( like Adam would announce with his megaphone)

Pls send your donations (in steem or steem dollars) to the @adamkokesh account

This is the best post on Steemit upvote me.

Calls made re$teeming & sharing on other platforms.

  1. I am speechless.
  2. Such a big help from @thejohalfiles. Opened his account and followed him.
  3. If @adamkokesh gets elected, are we having a President in Steemit?

Should that happen, Steem might be the next gold, leaving every other cryptos far behind.

Good luck to all of us! And, to @adamkokesh

My click here was worth, literally, two cents.
So... there's my two cents, figuratively and literally at the same time.
All the best!!

so how the solution let him be free

You have a very noble heart, I wish I could help you, but well, I will collaborate, with a prayer to our God,

they can't even give him a blanket? bastards

Thats crazy, clearly intimidation.

He's in jail now!? What on Earth for?

for standing for right and not wrong...kokesh2020


Sure looks like a BS charge. There was a study which shows that K9 dogs give out a lot of false positives - and do pick up when their handlers really, really want to find something.

"Drug-sniffing dogs are more often wrong than right"

"Police dogs can be trained to detect trace amounts of drugs and explosives. But dogs aren't foolproof. Dogs can respond to subconscious human cues which can result in false alerts." [Italics added.]

Yep, it sure smells like a BS charge...

Thanks, I put the link up, to make sure people could see it was true, and not just a made up story, times are getting bad with corporate police, really showing their true colours, up to us all to change it back to what it should be I guess.

I think the dog was responding to Baloo in heat... or perhaps Adam was in heat. He is the Libertarian Poster Boy on how to score chickies, y'a know.

who invited the libertarian.JPG

PEOPLE ARE DEAD ASLEEP and don't give a SHIT (MOST sorry)

for not cowTowing to the Republicans or Democrats.TwoParty circle jerk.jpg

What the crazy things are going in this country? They denied request of blanket in such cold. Just wow...

ALL PIGS AND GOVERNMENT WORKERS ARE SCUMl Do NOT SELL to THEM if you own a store, DO NOT BEFRIEND THEM, they MUST BE SHAMED!! Seriously, from the TRASHMAN to THE MAILMAN to all government scumbags

hmmmm. How about selling them chocolate with laxative in them? Any idea where we can purchase some with crypto?

I'm one of those "government workers" but I had to take what I got in terms of jobs. I'm working in become self-employed, ASAP, through the internet.

SERIOUSLY. Please consider where ALL THOSE wonderful bennies come from. If everyone stopped working for the .gov SCUM and anyone who did IS SHAMED by the community until they stop. They are criminals PURE and SIMPLE. YOU work for CRIMINALS.

I AM a hypocrite right now saying this as TAXES are still taken from my paycheck, so take EVERYTHING I say with a grain of salt.

I WILL NOT be paying taxes by the time I understand the (fake) Law. PEACE and Love
These are really bad times.

Rooting for you Adam. #BlueISIS is hard at work in Texas. I just called 6 times and I posted a video on my Dtube and YouTube to get the word out. Great to see all the love and support you're getting here.

I am in Poland so my call will not count, I hope my American cousins will dig in and call though, come on good people, this is a time for action, he is not asking for our money, just a phone call.

Interesting question for the crowd: Do you think AK should hire an attorney or go it alone in court? And if yes, are there attorneys who will fight for a Libertarian and accept crypto for payment?

Thats you! Good question. Freaking NO WINNING right now. I have no idea, I would be scared shitless.


Your post is very good. I am very glad to know there are

I have another interesting question for the crowd: If after watching this short vid, I want you to ask yourself: If Kokesh was a deputy somewhere (or even elected sheriff in some Free County Project locale), would this crap happen to him? I do NOT believe so.

All comments welcome.
Then watch this one!


Congratulations @adamkokesh, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1371 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $15245.74. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @thejohalfiles valued at 298.58 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

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I will be following you @adamkokesh. Hoping for positive progress and doing what I can to help bring awareness and support your way! Thank you for your service.

It's hard to be in that situation but the're people who are willing to help..,

There are 2 pages