On Law Enforcement

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


Oh, how America has fallen from the ideals of the revolution.

We have passed the high water mark of boot-licking.

More Americans have fallen under the boot ... than not.

We are at critical mass.

Awaiting a trigger event for the Final American Revolution.

A black swan approaches in the dark.

We will rise again, to lead the world forward in freedom.

I am ready when you are.



There don't seem to be many active anarchists on Steemit even, let alone in the big wide world.. the finish line is approaching but most are sucking on oranges waiting for someone else to do something.. heads in the sand style! Follow me my blog to see how we live for free since 8 years without paying nobody. Revolution starts with YOU!

Not sure if you have done this yet, but you should install a whole bunch of security cameras on your NO FORCE ONE, so you don't have to hold a cell phone in their faces when they pull you over. Have cameras and microphones running on all sides of your vehicle and inside. These cameras run on a loop forever, you can power them with 12v, and run for 24 hours self powered and have night vision too: https://www.amazon.ca/Amcrest-Infrared-Security-Camcorder-Recording/dp/B01DFRXFN8

You may want to have built-in live stream cameras too, to record offsite using 4G internet, or satellite internet... then you could hit a panic button that starts live streaming at the push of a button

Thanks for the tip!!! Working on something like this.

If it is in your budget, you should also get one of these to help draw the highway robbers away from you and NO FORCE ONE!

just in case you run into these type guys again:

lol the bandit was a real role model.

All kidding aside Adam you do back the badge though, right? Never forget, blue lives matter!!!

What the hell is a "blue life"? And don't say the police because your job does not constitute who you are as a human or make your life worth any more than anyone else's.

Also, black people can't take off their skin the way cops can change their lifestyle.

It's satire

Sorry, it's hard to tell. There are people who call themselves libertarian but love the police, after all.

You're good and absolutely right on point, unfortunately far too many people are still enamored with immoral heavily armed grown men and women who dress up in costumes, steal peoples stuff, and are trained to kill.

It's really very good post. I like it.

"""We have passed the high water mark of boot-licking."""
images (1).jpg


Nice.. I like your post broe.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” from The Poetry of Robert Frost

I think my country will also join your country in leading the world to freedom

wow...very intaresting.

It is an excellent post you clearly have your point of view and not many people can share it, but it is good, that only reminds us that we must be tolerant and respect the point of view of each person, only in this way we will reach that peace that we long for.

"Cities, fuck 'em
Feds, fuck 'em
DA, fuck 'em
Narcotics, fuck 'em
We don't need you bitches on our streets
Say with me:


@adamkokesh it would be great to get some type of mini documentary maybe in the future regarding your views on the IRS/FED and how they took control of our country and the history... If we can educate enough people to exit the system by moving their cash out of the banks and into blockchains it could be a very powerful thing. If enough of us "tax protest" against the IRS we can change everything. For the first time in human history we now have decentralized platforms like STEEM where our voice can not be shut down and censored. The people of this country can now communicate without a 3rd party interfering. I believe we will soon discover a community of like minded people here who also believe #taxationistheft. We will be able to network and organize ourselves more easily because of blockchain technology. The people will be able to debate peer to peer and come to consensus via blockchains in the future...allocate funds where they truly need to be. Nearly 25 percent of all income taxes go to pay for defense from what I have read..maybe more. I still remember when Donald Rumsfeld in 2001 said "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.", then 9/11 happened. We can change this corrupt system with blockchain in the future so nothing like this goes "untracked"... I am trying to educate my family on why the IRS is a corrupt organization and how it has taken a choke hold on the people of this country. I started to compile some of your videos about it in a playlist just so I can also learn more myself and have some better arguments when talking to people who simply don't understand the implications. Many people are unaware that the USA had no income tax before 1913. They are also unaware of the founding fathers views on these things. If we had a video to spread around with all of this information and history about how the system has been taken over to enslave the public it would be a great benefit. The more people that are educated about why #taxationistheft and how things came to be like this the better. Having a voice like yours behind this cause is an even more powerful thing. I know you don't like being thanked or called a hero but I must say this. You are an X marine who believed he was fighting to protect people like us and is now awake and trying to awaken others. I still believe you are a hero for having the courage to go to another country and fight for your people when at the time you believed in your heart you were doing the right thing.... Regardless of the reality of things, it shows you were trying to do the right thing and who you are. You were willing to put your life on the line for what you believed was a good cause. Then when you realized that going to war was not helping at all and only making things worse, you now invest that inner power you have educating people about this corrupt machine. In my opinion by being so vocal and having this campaign you are still putting yourself in harms way. They will do anything to stop you. A marine who is fully awake, you are their worst nightmare. You are still in a way fighting a non violent war now and are at the "tip of the spear" using blockchain. You are using your skills for good and now have the "ammo" / power of blockchain behind you to help make real change in this country. Thank you again for all you are doing brother. Lets free everyone from this system. #kokesh2020

Also looking forward to that. With the blockchain technology and a voice like @adamkokesh's, a lot can be achieved. And complete re-education is the first step.

Its coming. May God fill your hearts with courage and guidance. This power structure needs to go!

Words of one who cries to bring freedom. May we rise again to lead others to true freedom

I am ready when you are... I'm like this it...

your post is good I wait for the next posting

Decent ideals, check out my poetry about gun control I just did. I’m interested in the libertarian for president...

America has fallen from revolutional ideas
Is a good construction I love your post, it's very interesting