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Link to his charges, thats 3 misdemeanors and a felony.
seems you have to put his name in again but it should come up when you do. It won't work direct link for some reason.
Wow that's interesting. These charges seem a bit ridiculous to me... To be fair they look like bullshit charges but hey, it's hard to say with how little information we have about the situation.
POSS CS PG 1 >=1G<4G
POSS CS PG 2 >= 4G<400G
Remember folks, Adam was alone when a group of officers and a K9 pulled him over. They could have easily planted any so-called evidence they wanted. Last I heard, Adam does not travel with contraband for this very reason. (He is a target.)
If they are not going to follow the law then what do we need them for? Hang in there Adam. You should be able to use most of this to your advantage while running for president/custodian
I really like your posts
Thank you for the update!
Stay strong Adam, this cannot last forever. They can try to break your body or intimidate you, but your idea and spirit will last forever. Hope that is a shorter period than Gandhi.
Still no paperwork is ridiculous -.-
Adam wants to dissolve the Federal Govt (a wonderful idea) so he is a TARGET. We must support him!
Read your BIBLE Adam.
thank you for the update, stay strong #freedom
thanks for the update.awesome article
I like your posts , they are very useful . i am following you and upvoted some posts and resteemed them . thank you .
Stay strong Stacey . . . he's fighting the good fight. #Freedom
Stay strong!
Do they have a Facebook Page (Wise County Jail)? There's a group of us who've been giving these cop pages 1 star reviews from CopBlock...
Thanks for the update Stacey. Hope this will not last long, could it be a case of harassment and they'll just let him go?
LEGALIZE FREEDOM!! Hang in there Adam (and Stacey), this too shall pass.
Free Adam! :D
I follow back 😁
Glad to hear the update. Thanx
This is nothing new. Adam goes to prison, his girlfriend makes a video, girlfriend and Adam break up. lmao
Thank you for the update. I have been tied up for days, will be doing what I can to help by this evening...
Great update! Hopefully, this will be resolved soon. <3
Is there a video to explain what this Adam thing is all about?
Do Adam's followers know this?
As I noted before, Occupy Wall Street is controlled opposition;
Adam supported Ron Paul, who is controlled opposition, whose son Rand is associated with the CFR - the same conspiratorial group that gave us the Federal Reserve, U.N., Income Tax, etc.
And Russia Today is controlled opposition.
Is Russia Today Controlled Opposition? -
Almost everything about Adam is deceptive, controlled opposition, though End the Federal Reserve is correct.
Any new news? This Posted - 1/20/2018
Wishing him well and that he is free(er) soon.
We are all with you. Peace Love and Freedom to you, Adam and one and all. Let me know how I can help from Scotland. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.
At first it felt like a big coincidence. Not anymore! Best of luck Adam. Fighting The Man will not be easy and there is a long road util 2020.
When people remain public shitizens and have agreed to be surety for the legal title, and have never changed their Status, this is what happens. "And the Debt shall not be questioned." I feel like a broken record sometimes. Evidence planted, most likely, and they can do that to the Public, their debt slaves. Everything that happens to us is because it was done by Volunteering to be surety for Debt.
Well hes lucky as all hell to have you there to support him. To have a woman that is upset and that misses him. I happened to wander over to the wise co public safety google page. 2.9 stars and people all over it saying they are rude. just shows what kind of group of tyrants we are dealing with here. pitiful
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Sadly comments like this will often get you the opposite of what you're looking for.