Why American Cops Are Dumb

in #freedom7 years ago

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Every town I have lived in that had a larger police force density per citizen has had less crime. The police are a necessary presence to keep order, but the safest place I ever lived supported open carry. We police ourselves better than a police force can. Look at Switzerland, it's one of the crime-less places in the world and they all have guns. I think cops get a bad wrap and these small instances of corruption shouldn't be exasperated, this report is not how the vast majority of police departments operate. In fact this may be the only example of this kind of hiring...

I grew up in a small town with a large police presence. There was little crime outside of drug use (shouldn't be a crime), but the police often got bored and harassed people. They especially harassed poor people, which is a very nice way of "serving" the community. Other cities I have lived in had much better police, but the police in poor areas are often complete scum from my experience.

Poor areas are usually the most crime ridden, because people are pushed the crime because they have a higher unemployment rate. I would imagine cops hate going to places that are more dangerous to them. It's kind of understandable why they might be more hard ass in those places, because it's more dangerous.

I disagree. The crimes are just different and more noticeable in poor areas. Police are by design supposed to be helpful to the community they are in, and if they really are most needed in poor areas, this is where they should be the most effective. Instead, from my experience, they create more problems than they solve.

because the police are subject to the head of state.
police are innocent,
police is a tool that is driven by the president.
Everything that happens in the United States is the responsibility of Donald Trump.
the police must do whatever the command.
if the police do wrong,
then what we blame is the president.

a fair president is coming.

we are waiting for you @adamkokesh

Police are innocent?

Was the police in Communistic Russia, China, the Stasi in the DDR, and the Nazi police.....etc. also innocent?

Do you really believe that

is an excuse?

Most cops are morally stupid as they do not question what they do to people and why, this is the same in most places unfortunately.

Using violence on someone should be morally justified not just legally justified as most if not all laws are fraud.

nice post

Why do we even need Cops? Could we, the citizens police ourselves?

There's no good (street)cop in Europe also, these fucks want just a tiny bit of power, are too dumb to become real investigators and are doing nothing all day other than stealing peoples weed and harass people by clocking them or try to break in homes of harmless people without a search warrant. Cops are nothing else than a gang, except that everyone knows their names.

thank you information about the video

this is post ....There was little crime outside of drug use (shouldn't be a crime), but the police often got bored and harassed people. They especially harassed poor people veery good

is that real?

porque os poliai estão sujeitos ao chefe de Estado.
a polícia é inocente,
a polícia é uma ferramenta que é dirigida pelo presidente.
Tudo o que acontece nos Estados Unidos é da responsabilidade de Donald Trump.
a polícia deve fazer qualquer comando.
se a polícia errar,
então o que nós culpamos é o presidente.

um presidente justo está chegando.

estamos te esperando @adamkokesh

I want ALL these UNCONSTITUTIONAL COPS fired , prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law . Those who violated a citizens rights NEVER get to be in law enforcement EVER AGAIN❗️Go be a mall cop . Good show sir .👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻

your good broder @adamkokesh

You should title this post: Why all cops are dumb!
Not just American. I can tell you in our country you have to be dumb to be a cop, or if you are not you have to pretend and act like you are if you want keep your job.

When i think about it, its not just cops, for all position paid by the government you have to be stupid or pretend to be stupid.
It is not even hiden, if you sugest something brilliant but no politician can gain some profit from it, you got fired in a moment. Noone, not even press can help you! (in 90% of the cases press will not even try to help, because then they lose their job)

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Dumb cops are the reason I'm not in jail. As a 40 something white guy I never ever get searched but I watched the cops show a lot and they are always harassing young minority males. I have much higher income than a 16 year old black kid so I can afford a lot more drugs. But cops are dumb and don't even notice me

I am looking forward to seeing a Voluntaryist "town" in my lifetime which can function without cops, courts and clerks. Will it be able to have a Justice System to protect life and property? Will it be able to hold off encroachment from outside governmental aggressions? Shhhhh. Show me; don't tell me.

They are dumb and yet you keep getting caught by them.

My first question to the police is:
How much education are you given on the Constitution before you take an oath to protect it?

And not only the American police - seems like around the world they are identical.