The Paradigm Shift

in #freedom7 years ago

The current global paradigm of social organization is statism. Statism is based on a central authority, rule by force, and subservience to the collective or ruling class. It is coming to an end as we wake up to a new freedom paradigm based on human rights, nonviolence, and self-ownership. This transition from the paradigm of statism to the paradigm of freedom is the most important paradigm shift in human history. We are very fortunate to be living at such an exciting time. Because the statist paradigm results in violence, suffering, exploitation, and the stifling of potential, the freedom paradigm will bring prosperity, happiness, harmony, and a new phase of human existence.


There have been similar fundamental turning points before. Learning how to manipulate fire changed our lives forever. The rise of complex language made society itself possible. Mastery of agriculture was a major turning point. The industrial revolution could be placed on this scale. Maybe the rise of computers and internet access in our daily lives was a turning point. In another thousand years, it might be looked back on as just another primary shift in the human experience. However, there is something fundamentally different about the paradigm shift to freedom because it lays the foundation for the realization of so much more of our untapped potential.

For the paradigm shift to occur, it has to be embraced by a critical mass of people. We are rapidly approaching the tipping point at which statism will be untenable, not just because the institutions are unsustainable, but because we are rising up and demanding our rights. This is not just a process of education, but also of inspiration. Because they fear the transition, some will rationalize their slavery despite knowing that they will be better off when free. Toppling governments will not be helpful if self-government is not first embraced and demanded. The shift requires a deeper understanding of what it means to be a free, beautiful, independent person.

How will this paradigm shift shape society? Should we ask for gradual abolition? Should the beneficiaries of the current system be compensated? Should we ask for some justice, while tolerating some injustice? To timidly ask for a reduction of injustice is to ask for the perpetuation of injustice. Dismantling governments as peacefully as possible will take work, but we should demand no less than absolute freedom. When this paradigm shift is complete, asserting that governments are necessary will be as laughable as asserting that the flat earth is the center of the universe. All such shifts seem crazy and uncertain before they occur, but after, they are seen as inevitable. The relevant trends already indicate that creating a peaceful, voluntary, world without government is our destiny.

Chapter 10 Section III From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


@obama ( waiting for him to join steemit ) 😝🤪

@deadamkokesh sometimes we dream anything we think is as not possible or is impossible to happen; however years later you see new changes and just with that momentum you will says Why I did not....Why I did not try it at least just to begin it. If you have that strength towards found a real freedom do, not stop please.
Respect mean P e a c e. I voted you

You have all the reason, freedom is a right and we have to demand it because nobody is going to give it to us!!

@vanemilano thanks for support !! Remember not one will give us our freedom, We do.

I think there might be some confusion.
If you are "demanding" something then that would imply that you do not have it.
Who are you demanding your "freedom" from, and how did they end up with it?

Statism is the worlds most dangerous religion. Freedom and individual liberty are important don't let anyone convince you otherwise because you can be free or be a slave but you can't be both.

The problem with this world is that most people just want laws enforced, without ever asking the validity and justness of a law itself. Those people are the biggest threat to society, freedom and peace.

Thanks for the awesome post @adamkokesh

I used to think that people wanted to control other people, but I have changed my mind and now believe that people what to be controlled.

Personal responsibility is difficult in large societies.

Put it other way round, you finding them controlling is you being controlling because you want them to act differently and not controlling. They obviously need to fulfill your expectations and act differently.

The difference is timing. Offence followed by defence. Abuse followed by self-protection.

I work for a group of alcoholic managers that are terrified someone will “find out” that they are incompetent alcoholics. Like the entire office isn’t aware?

They threaten, then deny they said anything. They Gaslight employees in this manner to show the employee as incompetent/lacking understanding.

Once labeled an incompetent troublemaker they will give you unfavorable references to keep you serving only THEM. Mentally telling them to eff off at least gives me temporary peace from their constant chaos.

Opps. I edited control...I intended to write controlled.

I don't want to control people, I have enough just to control myself :)

You probably have had this question before, but without state what stops gangs and different militias from taking control over everything? And I do agree that what we have now isn't much better..

"The individual"
If the individual wants to form a gang or a militia in order to take control(or "not take control") then individuals will do it.
They are obviously inclined to do so(as evidenced by the presence of government).

Your confusion is in believing that an entity can prevent itself.
Government stopping a group of people(with a militia) from taking over is as silly as believing that rabbits will stop long eared rodents from eating the vegetable garden.

If you put rabbits in your garden to stop rabbits then you are...well....
You are in the exact same boat as people that vote in order to prevent a group of people from taking over control and forcing their will on others.

This is what I also am eluding to, government can be shrunk by at least 90%, the general public don't really have an idea just how huge and wasteful it is. I think we need to shrink it and rethink what a governments role should be and go from there. It's a start, as living conditions get better, poverty reduced, you can reduce government more so.

And without fighting what parts to reduce. Lets say that regulations that protect you from food poisonings by expecting restaurants to follow certain hygiene rules or regulations that simply create monopolies which should be get rid off.

I'm not so sure that regulation is what protects me from food poisoning? If a restaurant is causing food poisoning then the free market will sort it out, especially in the tech age we are in of connectivity and social media.

That works too.. Only sad thing in that is that shit is probably already in customers pants.. but that customer can always write an angry review.

That is true, but even with all the regulations that we currently have there are still cases of bad food making its way into customers stomachs. People still think government is there to protect us, the truth is more so that the government wants to protect the income they receive from us. I don't believe any more people would suffer from food poisoning if government shrunk by 90%, maybe 500 years ago, but not today.

You have point there

Reputation systems will do better than regulation

You and your allies stop them.

99.9% of humans are normally cooperative with other humans.

The .1% (or less) of humans that are sycophants are born leaders that are very hard to stop.
These people become politicians and are able to protect themselves and at the same time attack others all within the laws that they create.
Governments are fictional entities...a sword and shield for wicked leaders.
How much damage can they do, and for how long... in the absence of government protection?

"Governments are fictional entities...a sword and shield for wicked leaders."
Is this about shadow government?

Just pointing out that governments are not real...they contain no atoms or mass.
But the people that believe in governments are real.

I got the idea :)

In a sense we already do have gangs and different militias in control, we call them nation states. The police and army are part of that. If we dismantle the system they operate in then yes something similar will take its place, maybe private armies defending communities? Guild communities based on talents and skills something similar to early renaissance europe or the so called Dark ages. We can never fully do away with a governing organisation because without it we would not be organised. The best outcome we can hope is an efficient automated governing organisation without the class privileged rulers. This can be done through blockchain technology and volunteerism, The theory has been laid down by the Anarchist thinkers such as Kropotkin for a long time but never tried out. The best we as individuals can hope for is a community we trust, the rest is propaganda.....

thank you dea brother @adamkokesh for another amazing post, actually freedom is such a great valuble in pople's life and we all beleive that one person or even a group will never be able to change. thank you once again ddear friend.

“In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”

― R. Buckminster Fuller

Repairing the rotten core of modern civilisation by creating a new one !

Yes, It's really true. Every person has right.and every person is free.

good freedom politics thechnology government post thank for shearing

Freedom is a great concept but it feels just a concept now.
One man can't do global change but we are fighting with unity with no result. Maybe we need a president like you. Leave America and run for president here :p

I agree we should get united and fight for the change, for prosperity, happiness, harmony, as you have mentioned. The statism has controlled not only the economy but also the social field, to get free from that chains we should get united and fight for our rights.

self-government is HOW central governments will be toppled.
'be the change you wish to see in the world.'
that is all.

"A complete transformation of your beliefs and ideas, i.e your perspective, when exposed to a new piece of information or knowledge".

I think it's part of everyone's evolution.

It's pretty difficult for one person to do a global change but as united we can do a lot. Listen to people and think with your own head don't be parrot. Honest post and I hope you'll get far Adam :)

very very good thanks for your time

Freedom, post very good

good post brother, awasome

These words have never rung truer than today.

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

re: >>>to institute new Government<<<, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

  • How would your rewrite this part of the Declaration of Independence?

very impressive writing

This is indeed a paradigm shift. Together with government centralization will also go away! While now, I admit centralized tech is faster(paypal beats most crypto), and is more convenient, but in the future it will be the reverse! "What?? Your website runs on centralized servers? It is probably slow as heck then!!" is what people will say!!!

These guys can go any lenght to protect their interest, I use to say it will be a systematic revolution to fully get out of statism,we are getting there but not fully there the people are now opposing dictation and oppression which is a huge green light.

hi. I am one of the youth in Indonesia. today, the struggle for human rights is severe. even student organizations get pressure. criticism to the executive and legislature will lead to criminal law. democracy and ideals that dreamed of the reform movement in 1998. all seemed to return to an anti-critic authoritarian government. for us, the struggle for human rights is a continuing struggle. change of social paradigm can not change by force. we must be patient in the struggle. Keep the spirit.

"some will rationalize their slavery despite knowing that they will be better off when free"

I see this all the time, people will argue that it is right and necessary to be taxed to breaking point because we need government to take care of us.

For most, when you add up all the taxes, income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, property tax, VAT or GST and all the exorbitant fees (bribes) one must pay when interacting with a government agency or bank of any kind, brings total taxes and fees to 60-80% of income.

All because of an over bloated state that has grown well beyond its usefulness. I don't know if I believe in having no government considering the sheer size and scale of our modern population and civilization, but at least we could shrink it by 90% and rethink, or in some cases remember what a government could and should be. A governments role should be only to carry out the will of the people, nothing more nothing less.

Yes, there is an amazing paradigm shift happening.

Looking at how Steem is set up to empower people to earn a living from content creation seems to me like the tip of the iceberg. The huge shift is happening right now. Curious how long do you all think this transition will occur. 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Think about how fast everything changed only since 2008 until now.

And this means as the power of non-centralized currency evolves, so too will collective consciousness ascend to a point where there is very little power in centralized governments. This is because the same "conspiracy theories" that woke people up, (and reject mainstream candidates like HRC and Jeb Bush) will now have reached even more people. Hence, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. Legacy media is failing. And its the only way the legacy politics stays in power. (Imagine a Senate and Congress filled mostly with maverick independents aware of crypto and the corruption of central banking).

So it seems as these cryptocurrency mechanisms grow we will see an economic shift that actually free's humans to do what they love to do, (whatever that might be).

I also have a weird theory that any alien monitoring of the planet would include how we handle our economy. And similar to Michio Kaku who used the Kardishev Scale to explain that the internet was a Type 1 phone system, I think that Steem is a Type 1 economy on that scale.

Makes sense if you think about how would a modern civilization with robots and A.I. function in terms of providing for people. Clearly the advanced civilization we see in Star Trek has eliminated money. But, from time to time we hear about "credits". So it seems there is an electronic currency that will allow us to engage with and perhaps even trade with alien species. But regardless of my ET speculation, a cryptocurrency based world economy will provide abundance for all.

Now, combine that with the eventual release of free energy systems. And, you have the makings for true freedom and abundance for all.

Won't Be Long Now!

Censorship is a big and important hurdle to overcome.
Once we all understand each other and how we live, freedoms will be demanded.
People will abandon their support for fictional entities.
Disinvestment will slow, and allocation of resources will equalize.

I believe this to be the trend (since the Internet), and it should accelerate.

The idea of a paradigm shift and freedom is great. Everyone wants freedom - for themselves, anyway. The problem is that there are many who want their own freedom, but still want others to do as they say, and treat them like nothing.
I'm definitely not objecting your idea, I'd love it in a perfect world, but how can such a thing be possible to fulfill in our (so) non-perfect world?

Your book seems getting much attention my friend. I think it has some "secrets" the Department of "Justice" don't want us to know. I hope you the best as well as for your book @adamkokesh.

Your posts are very inspiring that really motivate me to dream and believe that freedom is possible, Thanks for those words so wise ..

With cryptocurrencies opening up a path to self-banking & therefore putting an end to central banking that uses fractional reserve fraud & a fiat currency, I can't see how the powers that shouldn't be will be able to hold their murderous fraudulent dishonest extortion racket together for any amount of time. Crypto for the win!

Thanks for sharing this excerpt, good read!

I've wondered how we could truly ever be free if most are not ready to be liberated. I enjoy reading psychology books and articles from time to time, and here is a sort of parallel I have observed between family and government structures. Implementation of liberation would obviously not be the same, but I think it is an interesting reference, particularly when entertaining the thought of gradual abolition:

When a child is raised by a parent with toxic/childish tendencies (usually referring to narcissism though I think these tendencies are far more widespread and I don't like these fatalistic titles), a few common reactions can occur:

......1) The Golden Child: They self-sacrifice their boundaries/individuality and feed the ego of that parent, and subsequently are put on a pedestal, receiving endless (sometimes even unwarranted) praise, and given opportunities their siblings are not usually offered. They are pitted against their "lower-rank" siblings, and rewarded as long as they keep up the façade of a healthy, happy family structure. This has profound effects on their development, and as an adult they might:
......1a) Validate and support their experiences growing up at the loss of their individuality. For as long as they reject the realization of their conditioning, they may continue these behaviors and even mimic the way they were parented: treating their own children similarly, or looking for other authority figures to cater to and please. They can become perfectionists and workaholics. The over-involvement of a parent in their life paired with the self-sacrificing tendencies can make them childlike in ways, and their perception on freedom might be control-oriented and distorted as a result. These might be the most likely not to care about government invasion of privacy or government overstepping boundaries, because they adapted to this treatment early in life. The exception would be if they have become aware of their own boundaries by going through a healing process instead of repressing and idealizing their upbringing. It is important to note that "Golden Children" are often the least likely to see any wrongdoings by their parents because they were the most adaptive to their parent's/authority figure's needs, therefore their suffering was less overt, more covert thus unrecognized.
......1b) Because of the covert suffering and a loss of connection to their true self, sometimes a sense of unassigned guilt can arise unconsciously. If they cannot understand the origins, they may try to rationalize it externally instead of looking within and finding the root cause of this discomfort.
......1c) In society I suspect this type of experience has much to do with the shaming, "check-your-privilege" guilt many seem to have in this current time. And the workaholics… the one-uppers… the "hipster" mentalities… all the ways one struggles to achieve that addictive feeling of being "special" that they once felt as a child, while also unconsciously feeling undeserving. I think this is why for some, "social justice" and other aggressive "do-gooding" is the easiest route to "feeling special" under the guise of propping others up, in an attempt to also avoid the repressed guilt.

......2) The Scapegoat: The child who says what the parent doesn't want to hear (or doesn't want others to hear) and behaves in ways the parent disapproves. Scapegoats can become more independent, reality-oriented and self-sufficient, yet are still sacrificed by being ostracized and punished for not "playing by the rules." They could instead be self-destructive and more prone to outbursts of rage and misbehaving, likely perpetuating an endless cycle of being punished for their individuality. Where the Golden Child does no wrong in the eyes of the parent, the Scapegoat does not receive authentic praise from the parent because they can "do no right." It might be difficult to discern what is truly "wrong" from what they were unjustly punished for, when punishments have been subjective to the ego of the parent.
......2a) In society this reminds me of whistle blowers when positively expressed, and criminals when negatively expressed.

......3) The Invisible Child: The parent shows no interest in them as they do not satiate the parent's ego, but they also refrain from behaving in ways that would displease the parent's ego. They may have the passivity of the Golden Child, but are more of a loner than a people-pleaser. However, they have a higher chance of becoming a self-sufficient individual later in life, like the Scapegoat. This "invisible" upbringing can be at the cost of necessary social skills, and intimacy may be overwhelming to these individuals. As a result of "numbing" themselves as a learned survival skill early in life, they may seek other ways to numb themselves as an adult (addictions, etc).
......3a) In society I suspect the negative expression of this upbringing would be those who cry for government to fix every problem that arises. I think the absence of a positive parental figure early in life can lead one to search for a parent figure later in life. Government might seem like the perfect surrogate.

I'm still kind of working on these connections, but this is what I see so far. Anyway, to get back to how this ties into the implementation of true liberty, many psychologists will advise those born to toxic parental figures to limit contact as much as possible, going no-contact if they can. The thing is, this discussion is only had with people who are aware (or beginning to become aware) of their repressed feelings and the toxicity of the environment they were raised in. The low to no-contact is only recommended if the parent refuses to respect their ADULT children as individuals, as interactions with such parents can delay or inhibit the healing/self-validation process.

The truth is, many idealize their parents and refuse to admit they have any flaws. Sadly, this does no justice to the individual, because they prolong a necessary path to healing. Even the kindest, most well-intentioned parents can make mistakes, and blind loyalty and idealization robs the adult-child of true autonomy and self-realization. I think our capacity to objectively look at our upbringing is directly related to our capacity to objectively view our government. I don't claim to know the solution on how to liberate the unprepared, but I think retaining our freedom of speech and freedom of expression is essential in this process. The truth must be told, the truth must be heard. It does seem like we are having a mental health crisis, and I think one of the largest flaws in our education system is not preparing children to be autonomous beings. My best guesses at this point are: practical education, revealing/exposing truths and strengthening our mental health as a whole by helping those who suffer would get us closer to the end goal of true liberty.
(edit: fixed some bold lettering that didn't go through)

Right on...Statists gonna State.