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Adam, please look at the original source http://tm-eye.co.uk/all-news - they are primarily an Intellectual Property protection outfit working for luxury brands to sue counterfeiters - the "My Local Bobby" story seems to be a PR stunt to get publicity. The Sun and the Daily Mail are not good newspaper sources for real news in the UK.
ROTFLMAO....This guy would be better comedy gold then Trump!!!!
also, the important point is they're doing police work and they are successful. free market rules.http://mylocalbobby.net/about-us/4593930224 seems real to me
Yeah and Adam addressed how the rich will be the first to afford it... This guy.. -_-
adam addressed how to make everyone rich, that way they will be able to afford it. where do you think the government gets money for public law enforcement?
Oh I was criticizing @lloyddavis's comment, not Adam
Great example of TM Eye.. will be interesting to see if Steem could some how be used by local private police departments in the future to help raise funds and pay officers. In the direction the world is moving in everything is on Social Media now days. I know Miami PD has a vlog going on with YouTube. I think its great to see them documenting things they do so the public can see what officers in their local department are up to on a daily basis. I believe with the rise of crypto there will be many ways to help fund various operations of these private forces.
Social media is allowing them the opportunity to be transparent. Very necessary especially for communities that are brainwashed thinking that all police are corrupt.
It would definitely be interesting to see how Steem will be utilized, not only in the protection industry but businesses in general. Can you imagine a major corporation like McDonald utilizing Steemit!?
This is not big news in the UK and the first I have not heard of it. Our police are just as corrupt as the rest.
Whilst this is great news I would not trust if from the SUN newspaper they a known for making stuff up and destroying peoples lives. The SUN is Murdoch owned and will often put slander to change peoples mind its brainwashing capabilities scare me. 💯🐒
100% conviction rate... for what laws? I mean, private police sounds cool and all, but if they enforce unjust laws, it's just as bad as the agents of the state.
At least in part IP laws, apparently. http://tm-eye.co.uk/all-news/ He states in the video though that he is against this. Apparently they are investigated three murder cases currently.
I’m all for privatizing everything. Like you said, though, private enforcement of state laws is just as bad.
Yeah, well, unfortunately this is already happening on a large scale in the military. There are now more private contractors working for the US federal government than actual military personnel. Also, Russia deployed private contractors to Crimea and Syria.
I'm not sure what to make of this, we already pay huge taxes for police services, and they will now not respond to burglaries, and yet if a car drives into a police car they have resources to get multiple patrols, dogs and helicopters in an attempt to find the culprits. Should we just get rid of the police and pay for private security? I don't think so. Many private security companies are run by x-convicts and so I don't see that as a solution. I think proper resourcing of the public police force and a culture of 'protect and serve the people' is what we need.
glad to see political discourse on the platform, take a look at mine if you would...
Good post brother
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thank you
check mine out
take a look at mine if you would...
Today the rich, tomorrow the poor.
trickle down economics doesn't work 💱
That's not true. And attacking "trickle-down" is really ignoring the economic principle that underlies it (the Laffer curve). It is a demonstrable fact that when the federal government meaningfully cuts taxes, they increase tax revenues. That is how Reagan was able to be a fiscally "conservative" fascist and double the size of government whilst cutting taxes.
I know, but what I was trying to say is that eventually we will have a private force that serves and protects the people under a voluntary system.
My bad I was addressing boobeee, not you.
Yeah, my post was aimed at him too. It's the way Steemit order the comments. Don't worry about it.
good post
I come from Poland and came across your profile because of NEXUS cryptocurrency ^^
what you do is really great
I wish you every success and health !!Hih @adamkokesh

I believe that the fight for freedom should be a collective thing. Though, it is understandable that there are some who are actually leading the charge: in the forefront of the struggle, others should make effort to support them with their own little effort in every way possible
Adam, I agree with you that a lot of things that are considered crimes should not be crimes but I also agree with the detractors of private security claiming a “two-tier” system would be created. Evidence of that can be found back in history with the quality of services in a system of “separate but equal” services. They will not remain equal as private economic forces play-out in the long run. That said, private police forces that are forced to follow ethical standards of proof and evidence standards are most definitely going to be more efficient. Not necessarily more fair towards poor people and eventually corruption of evidence is more likely in a judicial system with and underlying profit motive.
every on want to freedom their life
your post is really good
carry on
really its amazing....
I'm glad you chose to do this in a information, I look forward to listening while a work during the day. followed.
wow very nice
great post sir..
carry on please.
I think freedom is devine to all
every on deserve it
good activity
carry on sir
resteemit done
very nice
i like with this .. the picture is bright .. clear and clean .
nice post
we are in 2018 maybe still not alot , freedom needed but has a limit for sure
The truth is an easy thing to sell, especialy when you have real life examples.
Well I have resteemed it. Good job.
In a truly free market the demand for private police forces will naturally dissipate.
In a truly free market, peace and love are much more attainable. And we all want ☮️Peace and Love🌱
This is a very wonderful video.
I am soo glad that I am here on Steemit already. This made me think that Steem will worth a lot in the near future.
Iam Mawardi From Indonesia
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See you
This is just another phase of the privatisation plans. The public sector is being chronically underfunded in order to create a "We have no other option but to privatise" scenario. It's being perpetrated against the NHS, the police and schools, and would be other public services and utilities if they weren't already privatised. Public services are just an untapped source of wealth for these parasites. If they can still get their private healthcare, private security...why have a safety net for everyone else who can't afford it? Everything there for the average person is being either removed, or taxed, while everything the rich can afford is being left alone. Public transport is becoming more and more extortionate while new cars have less tax to pay than older ones. Taxes on takeaways, pasties, tobacco..but not higher alcohol taxes..(Many pubs/bars in the houses of parliament).
There's a reason the Conservatives are known as the Selfservatives.
Where I live the police do nothing but just drag people to try to go to work... They will ignore the drug addicts because they do not make anything out then, instead give the taxpayer tickets and let the criminals sell and do drugs near the school districts and just ignore them with them. This prompts our young people to get drugs as parents we have to show our children the fact that the police are not there for us there against us, and they allow these criminals to go because they don't make anything about them. Criminals do not pay fines, but citizens do so in order to gain access to work or to care for the family.
Video starts with "The Sun". Really serious video. Lol.