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RE: How To Make Your Court Case Irrelevant - Introducing Steemin' Marc Stevens' 'No State Project'.

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

My take on the court cases that Marc Stevens and his followers have won are wins based one of the following. A. An inexperienced prosecutor who doesn't know from where his jurisdiction comes from (not from the consent of the governed) but by the original "Conquest" by the American Colonialists over the British Army in America and The Indian and Mexican territories. 2. Lazy People who don't want to spend the time arguing with radical partially or uneducated people over petty crimes. 3. Other loopholes in the law that actually exhonerated the defendant but not expressed at dismissal 4. Jury Nulification although Im not personally aware of number 4 as to have actually happened to Marc or any of his followers.

There is no such thing as Voluntarism. The State rules with impunity and no such idea existed prior to the U.S. coming into existence, that the consent of the governed Is necessary to govern although the will of the People is a hard thing to ignore when staring down a million pitchforks.

The Legitimacy of the US government does not rest in our consent but in its ability to defend itself, the fealty of its soldiers to the fiction of the rule of law rather than a Monarch and its recognition of and by other nations who do business with it as a sovereign entity. Otherwise the Native Americans have the legitimacy of government as the original occupiers. But the world's other recognized sovereigns - recognize the US Republic as the Legitimate Sovereign Jurisdiction over the lands it claims.

Research "Conquest" in Black's Law and International Law.
