
No form of control of the will of others is legitimate.

What is your definition of legitimate? Just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegitimate.

There is no such thing as Voluntarism. The State rules with impunity and no such idea existed prior to the U.S. coming into existence, that the consent of the governed Is necessary to govern although the will of the People is a hard thing to ignore when staring down a million pitchforks.

The Legitimacy of the US government does not rest in our consent but in its ability to defend itself, the fealty of its soldiers to the fiction of the rule of law rather than a Monarch and its recognition of and by other nations who do business with it as a sovereign entity. Otherwise the Native Americans have the legitimacy of government as the original occupiers. But the world's other recognized sovereigns - recognize the US Republic as the Legitimate Sovereign Jurisdiction over the lands it claims.

Research "Conquest" in Black's Law and International Law.

The definition of legitimate is: Conforming to the Law or to Rules.

Therefore Anarchy is "illegitimate" as defined by the "Dictionary". Lol. Have a good day.

legitimacy does not require any form of logical rules to be adhered to from a specific source. anarchy does not preclude the individual from making his/her own rules for his/her own life and in his/her own way. therefore it can be said that since it is imbalanced and against natural law for one being to control another, the only legitimacy can come from self governance and the decisions which uphold that.

you need to consider the bigger picture here.

Talk to Webster.

If you are referring to Webster's Dictionary, you will need to be more precise. I do not advise anyone to define their destiny based on the definitions presented via a corporate textbook.

Black's then. But that's too corporate too I guess. We have to have set definitions in order to properly communicate. Would you prefer to translate it into Spanish and use their definitions of law?

The point is not about picking the best book to define reality by, the point is to understand reality itself deeply enough through logic and experience that errors in books can be exposed correctly. Do you think that the libraries in North Korea contain books which correctly define reality and from which the people there can learn about reality in a totally reliable way?

If you are specifically referring to the word 'legitimate', then you can see in the following dictionary definition from 'wordnik' that alongside the various references to 'law' is the definition:

Based on logical reasoning; reasonable: a legitimate solution to the problem.

This is, for me, closest to the general definition of the real meaning of the word. The laws/rules created by government and humans do not always conform to this definition and thus if we jump to the conclusion that everything a government passes into law is legitimate then we are completely denying this base requirement for legitimacy in a dangerous way.

The Right of Conquest is the original Natural Law.

The word 'Nature' is rooted in the idea of 'Birthing' - not in 'Winning' or 'Dominating' and in truth, these are opposing concepts. The fact that there has been a great imbalance on Earth for a long time is not proof that balance is not the correct way and that balance cannot be found.

Natural Law: Survival of the fittest.

Everything else are elements of civilization not Natural Law.

Generally, people who refer to 'survival of the fittest' have not really thought through the idea in enough depth to know if what they are describing is accurate or not.
'Fittest' does not mean 'more able to overpower and control'. The path of domination and control is the path of heartlessness and death. By definition, survival is not death. Survival is living in a balanced way. It can be discerned through simple logic, then, that 'the fittest' are those who cause balance and the fact that the dominators have attempted to repeatedly erase those who cause balance and then dare to deceive others into thinking that the dominators are the 'fittest' is probably one of the biggest perversions of truth in human history.