I just discovered your blog by following a thread on Discord (Philosophy Trail). The first blog I read (by you) was about the relationship between violence and capitalism. It seemed there were some strong (though perhaps not violent) reactions to your notion. I can see some people are threatened by the notion of having to part with "stuff".
In my youth I was very attracted to Utopianism--both literary expressions of it and philosophical treatises. And as I read your blog Rousseau's cry rang in my ears: Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.
I'm no more likely to resolve the issues you raise in my own head than I was those years ago when I was fascinated with Utopianism, but I do appreciate having the subject brought forth in a serious way. It is our obligation as human beings to question. We can't live like automatons and accept what we were told as children. We have to challenge and reassess.
Greetings! hehe, yes, people like stuff :)
Yes, through the light of understanding and honest investigation, with intent to improve - healing, balancing and evolving - we can gradually open new doors that lead us to the right path for us.. Everything changes, so we need to be willing to change too. :)