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RE: Stop the Media Black Out

in #freedom7 years ago

Hi guys, so I went on Paul Joseph Watson's facebook and wrote the following comment on his latest race-baiting article which was immediately voted by him as Spam. Shows you what a sham infowars has become. This was my comment to him which he marked as Spam. I'm putting it on the Blockchain to circumnavigate the Infowars blockade of Adam Kokesh's arrest. This is the link to Paul Joseph Watson's post where I made the comment that he blocked.

And this is my comment

"Angus Giorgi Hey Paul, I don't actually care for this. I've supported Infowars in the past because of your stance supporting Ron Paul but this is starting to take the shape of racism being promoted by you and Infowars. Why don't you step back from this and actually support issues that are important. For instance why has Infowars joined the media blackout of the arrest of Adam Kokesh this week? Given that it took place in Texas and would be easy for your team to cover geographically it is very telling that you've said nothing but are chasing this bullshit race baiting agenda instead.

You need to get off the race baiting issues and get back to supporting whistleblowers and defending freedom of the press and freedom of expression. I think Infowars and Breitbart's posturing on this issue is actually shameful, and you need to get back to the truth of the fight for freedom of press and expression for all people - regardless of their skin or ethnicity, and not this highly emotional sideshow where you are contributing to the stereotypes and hatred yourself. Your ego is getting in the way of any truth you could tell.

Why is infowars not on Steemit for example? And why haven't you written even one article about Adam Kokesh being arrested after announcing his run for Presidency on a Libertarian ticket, even though he's been on your show a number of times? That plus Infowars complete absence from any decentralised blockchain social media platform is making it abundantly clear that you are part of the Centralised Manipulated Press and that you are becoming everything you claim you stand against. If Zero Hedge and Press for Truth can join the Blockchain, then so can Infowars, and it might actually make you a better News platform.