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RE: Returning to the City while Reading "1984" of George Orwell isn't a Good Idea... (but definitely an Interesting One)

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

It's your right, but cameras aren't really solving the problems, they don't treat the problem at the source. People commit crimes because they are poor and they really don't have the choice !!!!
Also it is taking upon our privacy and I prefer to remain unknown than to could be watched by everybody at anytime !
To answer your last question, History is cyclic so with a bit of thinking a kind of guess of the future isn't so difficult ! Thanks for your comment and have a nice day !hello @spozone ! I understand you're feeling even if I don't agree with you !


Thanks for the reply. I was being sarcastic. I think all the cameras and hoopla about guns is just plain stupid. Cameras don't stop crime and guns don't kill people. The world has gone plum mad, crazy, upside down, backwards. I laugh at the thought of evolution - we are devolving, and dividing
Have a blessed day

Which is why it's good to remember that we didn't necessarily taste the worst. We have to cherish our freedom ! Have a good day too !Hello, with pleasure dear @spozone ! Yeah that's what I thought ;)