I was over 70 years old when I woke up to what is really happening. Before that I only used the web for watching movies and posting my story at a site where I had a few readers.
Then I found Farm.inc and it shattered me. I thought we had become so humane to the animals we feed off and then I discover we now treat them so vilely that our ancestors would curse us for monsters.
From there, it has been a downhill struggle, and I have become aware how the future of mankind depends on just a handful of people who are trying to fight back. Assange is one of them and I have incredible respect for him.
I live on the other side of the planet, so my mirror beam cannot reach him, sad to say. Just make certain he knows why he is being blinded, or he could think it is done out of hate.
Maybe you can form a small alliance to 'enlighten' local politicians with a few rays of sunlight?
I'm sure Julian will understand why we want to bring him some sunlight. Yet we should also inform people and ask if Julian is actually OK with this. I can imagine that when having a toothache a gesture like this could be a burden as well.
I like this idea - a good and non-aggressive way for letting politicians know that we want them to see the light.
Call it the "See The Light" project?
Let everyone form their own independent groups, and go under their own slogan. As a kind of game And remix the ideas from eachother. Build idea's on top of ideas. "See The Light" project sounds fine to me. Maybe someone can turn this into a Steemit game?
The more diversity there is the more ideas boil up that we can use to get our dear friend out of there.