Edward Snowden’s 2018 Message on Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies & Privacy - 1h:06 Mins.

in #freedom7 years ago

Snowden discussed these matters live over the air on one of his interviews.

All the theories he is controlled by the deep state or controlled opposition rings pretty hollow with me, so I share his stuff from time to time.

The mainstream media would have fits if they were not being paid off and people really woke up en masse.


He looks good.

Snowden is not just intelligent he has a soul!
Thank you #Snowden for being courageous and standing up for the common people

He looks like the Crazy Frog song kid.

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-10 a la(s) 22.39.07.png
Captura de pantalla 2018-05-10 a la(s) 22.39.21.png

Sorry if this is out of topic, I just thought it was funny.