
Even people born with a "silver spoon" might not have any natural wealth. It is possible to be born financially rich but be indolent, unattractive, not smart, nonathletic. It's possible for people to be born financially rich but have various problems, whether physical or mental.

For this reason, I don't assume every rich person is wealthy. A lot of rich people don't have much natural wealth at all and would not be able to survive if they were suddenly thrown into the harsh slums or inner city. A lot of rich people could never make it into Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, even with all the best tutors in the world!

What is the point? The point is that a lot of people who are financially poor are extremely naturally wealthy and a lot of people who are financially rich have very little natural wealth. Society in it's bias treats the person born into financial wealth better as if somehow they deserve it while at the same time demonizing people born without much natural wealth as if somehow they also deserve it.

So my point is, elitism should not be embraced by the truly wealthy. There are the noble poor who believe that they are superior to the untalented rich and there are the rich who think God likes them more because they have money. All of that is ideological elitism and not helpful.