Thank You President Donald Trump

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Thank You President Donald Trump

(Patriot Heaven)

As you may already be aware, The British people voted to leave the European Union(EU), in what has been coined Brexit, now I won't get into all the ins and outs of what motivated the people to make this decision, apart from the obvious fact, the British people are not stupid, they or we didn’t vote to be governed by any of these failed unelected politicians below -

I will post about these imbeciles and the EU in a later post -

The current UK government appears to be compromised, and the British people are growing increasingly frustrated with the arrogance and incompetence of Theresa May and her cabinet.

On the 29 November 2017 – the British government announced it will pay £40 Billion pounds to the European Union, now the key questions are as followed Why are we paying? Where will the money come from and what exactly are we paying for – the UK government refuses to disclose any answers to these very simple questions.

This has left tens of millions of British people raging in anger, because like the Great Nigel Farage has stated on numerous occasions - NO DEAL is better than a BAD DEAL, because remember even after the UK pays this money, nothing is guaranteed from the EU, so instead of the British people getting freedom from this historical referendum we are getting extorted by the EU and our own government.

Later that day, 29/11/2017- Donald Trump fired a missile into Theresa mays cabinet by re-tweeting – a far right group called Britain First, now personnaly I like the name "Britain First", and I do see their argument in regards to British Christians being second class citizens in their own country, and they should be allowed to express there opinions just like certain muslims do in the UK, you see political correctness in the UK does not allow people to identify a terrorist attack in any way to radical islamic terrorists, when in the last 5 years all terrorist attacks in Britain have been carried out by so called radical Islamic terrorists.

The response from the UK government is that Donald Trump is wrong and the fake BBC is trying to say Trump is racist because he is implying Muslims are terrorist and he should have his state visit cancelled etc.

The truth is all radical islamic terrorist groups like al Qaeda, Isil, al Nusra etc were created, funded and are being controlled by various western deep state organisations, but that’s a whole other storey, now this retweet by Donald Trump is not racist but a shot across the bow, you see the british government appear to have forgotton the that the US for all intents and purposes controls the UK, and they have done so for over 40 years, it is as simple as that, again a whole other storey, and just to make things a little more convoluted, this group "Britain First" is funded by Israel.

Why I thank Donald Trump for this retweet move is because these arrogant treasonous UK politicians and the Fake news media, need to be put in check, and can you believe that the government and Fake BBC were actually touting for Trump to apologise for this retweet, this is what they got instead -

The US President tweeted:

“Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!”

The truth is – the rabbit hole goes deeper like I mentioned earlier every radical Islamic Terrorist that exists in the UK are expendable assets of various intelligence agencies.

Sadly the UK's own intelligence agency appears to have been penetrated to the point where they are looking nearly as foolish as the French secret intelligence services

Theresa May – Do as you are Told!

Get the brits out of the EU asap without a deal and clean up Whitehall!

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I have always said.
If you don't like Trump. That is OK.
But, who do you have that would do better?
At least he talks right.
Let his record speak to his successes or failures.@blackrussian


Thank you for your wise words, Francis :-)

you are kill people in vitnam hirochima nakazaki africa . you are the true terrorimse

you are kill 1 million in iraq afghanistan . we will kill you as you are kill muslims

Flams of wars

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Way to go dude :-)

So pleased to see your post.

Elsewhere, the brits keep saying, what can we do, we dare not even speak anymore, or else we'll lose our jobs and maybe go to prison.

I tell them, there are ways to fight back. Remember the hippy days when they said, make love, not war? So, make love...and have at least 3 babies over the next five years. Increase the tax burden ramatically by demanding your kids get the same benefits (which you are paying for with your taxes).

The nxt is, they allow 400 ISIS terrorists to return to the UK, but want to ban Trump? Where it is safe to do so, say "Ban Terrorists and I want Trump" Maybe photocopy and stick everywhere you can (on backs of vehicles is not a bad idea).

I do not get very political on steemit, the perfect platform for that is If you are not there, check out the BritFam section.

Nearly forgot to mention: I told them that if they do keep calling out 'we want Trump', when the day of revolution comes, you can call to the USA for help and I think you will be helped. A good way would be for Brits by the hundreds to go to the USA secretly, for training. I'm certain militias will gladly train them and put them up in their camps. Government does not fear you, for you are not trained and do not have the will or the weapons., while the islamist shits do. Let them see that things have changed and they'll have to start to consider your wishes.

Thank You @arthur.grafo - I appreciate your informative reply and I will check out (Britfam section) You are a Sword Carrier my friend (in the spiritual sense) there are a lot of Soldiers patiently waiting in the wings - I'm sure we will be communicating in the future..