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RE: A Lesson in Socialism

in #freedom8 years ago

Hm, is this story at all true? We don't know. It's just a hypothesis for all we know. The socialist theory for sure has some flaws or naivete, although probably much less problematic than the capitalist theory which is inherently flawed. But that is not my point.
We should discuss work from an anthropological point of view. IMHO, as a species, we like working, it builds as people, empowers us and fulfills us. And the capitalist dogma that people would not work is simply a scam. They would not keep a job they don't like, that's all.
There are some nice examples regarding the concept of basic income, i. e. that everyone should be paid for simply existing. There was a study in Germany, where they asked people whether they would continue their job if they had basic income. The majority of people said they would, some people said they would change jobs and a few percent said they would take a break for a while. Now, when asked whether they think other people would continue working, they didn't think so :)
I can't remember where I picked this up, nor I can quote it, but it also reveals some interesting points.