Exactly one year ago i posted this picture on my facebook timeline.
This was after the "terrorist" attacks in Brussel , which had all the signs of a false flag attack.
This was on 3/22/2016. A day on which satanic occult sacrifices are made by occult elites .
Skull and Bones belongs to this group of occult elites that try to rule our world and bring fear to the people while executing humann sacrifices.
Yesterday on 3/22/2017 another "terrorist" attack occured in London.
Could this be another false flag attack carried out by the occult satanic elitist to slowly and take away our freedoms. To bring fear and divide us?
You may also notice both the murder of an MP (Joe Cox) and this attack on Westminster occurred exactly 1 week before an event related to leaving the EU. Jo Cox 1 week before the EU Referendum, yesterday is/was 1 week until Article 50 is being triggered (29th). There is something weird going on, not coincidences....
I remember that yes. It created a lot of sympathy votes!
interesting to consider.. !
It sure is . To many coincedences everytime , to still believe in coincedences
We are being told that ISIS is gaining more and more power but their attacks are making less and less victims, something def not right.
And the fact that there happen to be a military exercice before every damn terrorist attack is suspicious..
Also since the nice attack terrorists are now using cars to kill, there is clearly a pattern there..
Here is an interesting video about terrorism, I don't know if everything is true but his version makes a lot more sense than what MSM feed us.
Thanks fornyour contribution. Yes their are idd a lot of strange things repeatedly happening at those so called terrorist attacks