To me, I don't see it as a gender thing but I see it as being driven by 2 primal instincts and that is greed and survival. The totem pole was set long before you and I came to be and those who managed to get the most for themselves want to remain that way and preserve the status quo
I'll give you an example, the woman who wants to break out and become a powerful person almost always sheds their nurturing side and assimilated a lot of the masculine features of being a leader, its not to say you cannot be a nurturing leader but they gravitate to what has made male leaders lead, thus preserving the status quo
The Asian or African wanting to break into the corporate field has to shed their language and culture to assimilate to be accepted and thus preserve the status quo
As someone that lived in a time without freedom and in a time where we got civil rights, I can tell you its a major learning curve and it takes years to understand what freedom means and how to use it. Yes, woman and ethnic minorities are more free now, but give them time and let them figure out their own path.
Just my 2 cents
You are right, and this is a very complicated subject which I just brushed on the surface a bit... Figuring out who we are and what freedom truly is (not just social freedom but Freedom of the human being as a whole) is super difficult
Oooh a woman telling a man he is right, hmmmm! Lol kidding! But for real yes we can debate this for hours and go into so many niches it’s a fascinating topic human behaviour and societal structures! I think theirs always room for it to be questioned and I enjoy learning from those who question it like yourself
That’s for sure freedom and personal responsibility sound like nice words and concepts but it’s much deeper and nuanced! Lol if you ever figure it out share it with me I’m open to all ideas