I love the courage that snowden has standing up when he sees the government doing wrong to Americans and disrespecting the constitution
I love the courage that snowden has standing up when he sees the government doing wrong to Americans and disrespecting the constitution
you realize once Adam starts to show 15% in the polls, making him eligible for the debates in 2020, he will be a far greater threat to this cabal than Snowden ever dreamed of being, right? Would you give 10 min. a day, 6 days a week to help keep Adam safe? Thanks. Ask how............
How? :)
It starts out by spreading the word to millenials. ...the largest segment of the American population now. We need to work it so everyone in that age bracket knows who he is, and exactly what he stands for. ...not expecting everyone to agree with the prescriptions, but that he is on the tip of everyone's tongue. If you have read his "Freedom!" book or heard the mp3 audio, allow us your appraisal. If not:
Now... out of x amount of supporters, a few will be hardcore military and former military. Do you know about Oath Keepers dot org? Do a search and we'll take it from there.......
I have been an exponent of AK for a while now but have been a libertarian for a lot longer. Yes it is a good idea to keep the youth informed but there are a lot of older people who need waking up too. I do not subscribe to the fact that they are too old and set in their ways to change. Also they are often the shapers of minds. Everyone of all ages and walks of life need to hear the truth. I really admire your passion and support your beliefs.....and yes i am aware that a lot of his followers will be military or ex-military and I know of oathkeepers.org....why? :) Peace.
Ok. [email protected] so we can continue. Too much will clog up this strain... which I would like to limit to simply getting folks who have read or listened to his "Freedom!" book to becoming dedicated to giving 10 minutes a day to do exactly what I am doing.... promoting readership on all social media platforms and to those on your email data base. I want to see Adam attain the 15% required to get his ass on that debate stage. I am targeting millenials because they network better ... as we saw from Ron Paul's "revolution". ...which I now see as Adam picking up the pieces and putting it to good use. Ron really squandered that data base he attained... as did the LP which should be 10x bigger as a result of Ron's effort (and the GOP's sound rejection of libertarian ideals... especially in foreign policy).