French Maid Lingerie photography with a splash of philosophy by Craig Grant

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Inhale the future and exhale the past, do it NOW.

Any person I think is smarter than me, is actually 999% more smarter than me, because I have no idea.

I beat the game LIFE by facing the big boss named SELF.

The word illusion is the fearful way of saying the word reflection.

Sight is negative balance of Light, as there are unlimited definitions for what I see in sight, and with light there's one definition, it's light.

I stay free and let the world be there for me, I am not there for the world.

In my physical reality, every person is good, there are no sinners.

Only a dead man is afraid to die, as his greatest fear is eternal life.

Earning money online, I get paid to use my finger tips. Royalty.

Being now I can see how words program reality, and it's hilarious (hell are we us).

Having no money and big plans is in perfect balance with having big money and no plans.

I build my world up, then my kids tear it down and build up their own.

Follow @craig-grant

Follow @yuliana

have fun :)


Great, now I want to see her deliver bounce houses while wearing the french maid outfit... You just had to throw that last picture in didn't you? ;)

yes, the last picture slows down heartbeat and eases the tension :)... ahahaaaa

Nothing to say, speechless, upvoted !

but in the pic is Chinese maid

I am sorry but you didn't tag this as nsfw. I usually like your stuff. But this is not well categorized. Flagged

Your shooting realized in France?

I'm feelin STEEMY HOT! Somebody quick, cool me dwn!
Love the braids, very attractive!

You know ...I want to say something smart...but...all I can say she is just stunning and you are a... very lucky man !

You even got me nippin! :) wowzers...

Nicely done, guys. Yuliana seems like a delight.

Why would anyone flag this?
You are an incredible photographer Craig. Keep up the great work!

I was going to flag this but I didn't. Someone else did. Someone with thousands of STEEM power! I think you need to use the nsfw flag anytime you post content like this.

Define nsfw? Not Safe For Work. Would you show them to your boss? Maybe your boss is super cool, but should a typical person show this to a typical boss?