
Everything this guy touches turns to ponzi

How's your bitconnect investment going?

I recently invested in my first ICO and I thought the exact same thing. The money is gone as soon as you buy, and then when it comes back, if they come back, then hopefully the value has risen.

Many ICOs are crap, but if you pick a good one... bam!

If Shping has a phone app that is 2 steps ahead of most ICOs.
That is a minor step but still they are two steps ahead.

So they are a new secure transportation, shipping tracker, RFID product.

This is like Vechain and Walton chain, and Wabi.

Tough competition, but very valuable tech.

Nice upvote from @craig-grant. You enjoying his BCC moneh????

I shared a similar mindset too Craig, I think I may do some extra look into ICO's myself. Thanks for the inspiration :)

You should use your skills to promote great projects, like you did for in the past.Hi @craig-grant do you promote this ICO because of the bounty program or because it's a good project?


Hi craig, I signed up through yourlik but they want to have KYC which isn;t a problem but that they want a rexent gas bill or similar is. Don;t have that. Kepp hustling and good luck with you BBC token value, heard about the good bcctx news.

At the beginning , I think it is a song . haha. thank

once a scammer will always be a scammer.

It would appear that an encouraging ICO would investigate contributing on this venture, a debt of gratitude is in order for your input

New upcoming croptocurrency.some currency scame.why?

this is so cool, keep on sharing.

Hey Craig I see you're going with the flow that's good to know keep up the great work

Holy cow. How do you achieve such a high steem reputation?

Givin them bucks up! Pay to play.

Thanks for info good video.

well @craig thanx for share this new ico and give your review on it ...i laready registerd on your last post suggest ico prascodium and now i will try it to register ....keep it always @craig

At the beginning , I think it is a song

ICO with Craig Grant cool bro

Great video Craig ! Its nice to have you back on Dtube :) ICOs are overall risky but this project looks good. The fact that they made an App already its a good sign. I will for sure buy some tokes and try it out too ! Looking forward for more ICO reviews like that. :)

hey craig do you buy the dip into bitconnect?
best time to get more bitconnect as long its cheap, just a small correction till its moon, right ? already went up from 8 to 20 .
ok Bitconnect was scam and Ponzi but BitconnectX will make things better right?

Great Video Craig !

How's that Bitconnect money making you feel?

Estimated Account Value
$126,329.76.. pfff

This should be taken out of your account and given to all the poor folks that followed you into BitGonnect.

Next you with all your affiliate friends ( Nick , Trevor and all the other retards ) should be beaten nearly to death and be shown here every day for about 10 years ... this will teach scum like you not to promote BS like that for some time ....
My two Satoshi's