So you would like cover in the header on your main blog page which goes behind your follower joined etc...or something that you can use on blog posts first as thumbnails...which become the first branded image that you see when you click on the post? Just making sure I know what kind of cover art you need...before I begin! <3
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Yeah, sorry! I should have been a little more specific.
Its for blog page, the image behind the follower count. Good luck :)
Thanks for the clarification. The first image is the contest entry and homepage cover banner. I can change the black background image and overall colors...but the placement of the other elements and the banner size are already close to the best resolution for desktop and mobile. It's quite tricky making cover images both readable and resizable...and not too busy or blurry. With more time I could come up with some alternate cover banners.
The second image is a gift. It was actually my first attempt at the cover banner but I couldn't get this particular graphic to work with the required dimensions...and it was unreadable because the text visibility overlay blocked out too much of the main design. I didn't want to throw it away so decided to include it here...just in case you might be able to make use of it.
I used public domain and hand drawn resources ...and just combined and edited them.