Order-followers are destroying the goddess.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Destructive order-following is a pattern on earth that is fundamental to our authoritarian, capitalist economy and social system. It is built into the fabrics of government, corporatism, and religion. An order-follower blames their actions on somebody else, the order-giver. Some order-followers think that they are not responsible at all for their actions, because they are simply "doing their job", "providing for their families", or "enforcing the law", as if money, familial situations, or man's immoral laws in any way justifies their behavior or over-rides the universal Truths of free will, causality, or even the law of attraction.

You CAN NOT destroy the rights, properties, freedoms, and bodies of others, including the natural world, plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, and simultaneously expect that YOUR OWN rights, properties, freedoms, and body will not be destroyed. Natural law ensures that slowly but surely, what goes around comes back around. Just because a brick doesn't magically fall out of the sky on your head as soon as you do something wrong doesn't mean that you have escaped universal Justice.

The reason why destructive order-following exists is because of humanity's immaturity. The abandonment of personal responsibility is a big part of it. Imagine a child named Billy, a child named John, and a child names Suzi. John is jealous of Suzi, so John tells Billy to push her into the mud and smash her face in it. Billy's parents witness the act of violence, and confront Billy on his aggression. Billy blames his own actions on John, claiming that John is fully responsible for the violence, and that Billy should not face any punishment or consequences. If Billy were your kid, would you accept this excuse from Billy, or would you tell him to think for himself, and that John's commands are not a justification?


Why then, does society accept the very same excuses for the actions of military, the police, and corporate obeyers? The police enforce the demands (laws) of politicians, and claim that if we don't like it, we should contact Donald Trump, the old, "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them" attitude. The sick thing about this is that the politicians have given police LISCENCE TO KILL those who disobey their psychopathic, anal-retentive, control-freak, arbitrary dictates. When a cop kills somebody who disobeys the law, the sheeple have been conditioned to blame the law-breaker and view the cop as a hero. They have lost the ability to apply their own moral judgement to a situation, and instead always side with the authorities, again showing the fear and immaturity. This happens more often that we realize, and it keeps people under control, stressed out and sick simply because of the fear of what these order-following psychos will do if any of us get out of line, stop paying bills (Baal), taxes, rent, mortgage, etc. This culture of fear keeps people doing jobs that are totally destructive, and/or a total waste of time, sacrificing their own souls at the altar of authority.

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To escape this victim-perpetrator cycle, a firm message has to be sent to the order-followers and those who support them. WE WILL NOT tolerate your violence. Your excuses are NOT justications. WE WILL NOT OBEY. RESPECT OUR FREEDOM OR DIE. When you have a slave-system that is this far gone, meditation, good intentions, plant medicines, and prayer alone will not get us out of this mess.

Police and Military are not the only destructive order-followers, although they are some of the worst. The loggers, oil-frackers, flouride-poisoners, IRS harassers, debt-collection harassers, chemtrail-sprayers, cell-tower builders, baby-seal-clubbers, landscapers, etc, are often doing completely usesless and outright harmful jobs that they would not do if it weren't for greed or fear of economic persecution, persecution that is carried out by the police in their performance of evictions, asset-forfeiture, and arrest-warrent execution. PEOPLE NEED TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES and consider the long-term repercussions of their own actions. The cops are putting everybody including themselves and their own children into a prison and locking the doors. It is called a police-state for a reason, if politicians or bankers were most responsible, it would be called a politician-state, or a banker-state. Police and military are the on-the-ground foot-soldiers of evil who are the least mature and most responsible for building the new-world-order prison system that we are currently living in.


Prison guards should not be left of the hook. These order-followers have no idea about the lives or actions of the people they are dominating and keeping physically enslaved. They often have a justification they tell themselves, "You must have done something, or you wouldn't be here", or "I have to feed my family". The Nazi's guarding the concentration camps told themselves the very same thing. If you are supporting a destructive order-following family member, YOUR OBLGATION TO TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and LOVE is more important than lesser familial duties and obligations.

The word "NO" is the lost word of power in the free-masonic tradition. Saying NO to the system, to the destroyers of the planet, and to your own ego when you fall into these greed or fear based patterns is a huge part of the way out of slavery. WE CANNOT AVOID ANNIHILATION without falling in love with word "NO". It is equally as important as the word "Yes" on the path to freedom. Start using it and start meaning it.



Wow. Love this post.