in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

If we don’t stand up for ourselves, for each other...who will?

The “system” that we live under, is not going to saves us, even worse the “system” we think we have, freedom and justice is a lie, a fairy tale, that does not even exist anymore…Many of us know this fact, we know our system have been taken over, but yet do nothing about it. We fight among ourselves about what to do, what can we do, there’s is nothing we can do...  even though we’re “awake” we’re aware that only adds disillusion, frustration and despair…If know the truth and still we do nothing, we might as well be blind too?

No matter how much we want to believe that there is a secrete war between white and black hat overlords going on “behind the scene’s” …the very fact that it is hidden from us and out of our control is enough to tell us that no matter how benevolent and patriotic the white hat saviors might be, they are still masters of the “system”…Our power has been taken from us, and we know its true. 

It’s abundantly clear that no matter how hard it is to accept the truth, to fight through the programming of learned hopeless and helplessness that is always our first reaction to any thought of standing up for ourselves, taking responsibility and control of our lives. 

The very idea that we doubt our basic human ability and instinct to fight for our very lives, our freedom. That doubt should tell us all we need to know about how urgently we need to snap out of the fairy tale (that they wrote for us) hope for a happy ending, and instead fight to write our own story, before its to late…if it’s not already.

When I tell you my idea, your first thought will be that it’s crazy and impossible…remember what I just said last paragraph and then ask yourself how impossible and crazy it would be for a group of 20 men to set out on a plan to own the world, control the very supply of what ALL humanity needs to even stay alive…How crazy does that sound? 

Our strength is in our numbers, that is exactly why they try so hard to push bullshit made up reasons for us to fight each other, if we stand together they’re fucked and they know it. 

So why don’t we just that, instead of dong nothing? 

My idea is simple, we use modern technology to amass a fortune, then we fight them on their terms, we use their “special” laws and loopholes, we use the very weapons they gave themselves to gain control over us, against them, it’s fucking beautiful.

World wide there are easily 100 million average working people that know what I am saying is true, at least worth considering. If we all put in 10 bucks a month to an anonymous “system” of our own. There is nothing magic about what they do, that stops us from doing the same…we can buy back our food supply, start our own banks, our own health care system…the only thing they have that we don’t is the money (which they stole from us in the first place) to do it. We can hire our own layers, scientists, Doctors, lobbyists, our own super computers, quantum & block chain programmers, ai experts, whatever we need, we would have all the money we would need. The idea we need them is bullshit they need us to believe.

Sure, I get that what I am saying is monumentally huge and immensely complicated, so what? We’re not capable of hiring our own corporate monkeys to run our businesses and charities for our own benefit?  For the actual benefit of the people who need help?

 I get the self doubt, I have it too,  the feeling small in the face of the enormity of what I’m suggesting, and how hard it is to face the idea of accepting the truth about what I am saying, and the truth of what the alternative is. Human’s are built to believe in ourselves, to fight to overcome obstacles, TO SURVIVE! The very thought we ever doubted that all is against our very DNA and only exists because it was put in our heads, by them…None of their bullshit works without us  believing we can’t help ourselves…No one BUT ourselves can help us!!

They know better than anyone, and have spent 100’s of millions studying, testing and employing diverse ways to manipulate and control us, they’re experts at it…and they need to be…

if we ever stood together against them, denounce they have any authority over us, that would mean they are finished, only left to account for their crimes. That thought would be extremely frightening I’m sure, and yes, they would try and fight back, but the reality is that they are weak, spineless, parasites… ruthless murdering psychopaths yes. But require real people, evil, greedy people, but still regular people capable of doing their bidding, their enforcement…BUT only if they pay them to, nothing stops us from using them to do our paid enforcement instead?

We’re not small or weak… they are!