Good morning, everyone. As the title suggests, I was a return guest on American Freedom Radio on Monday, April 24th, 2017, and I am post the link here for anyone who wishes to listen to the two hour broadcast with Barry Prince as co-host. I cover a lot more about the citizenship scam and the Live Birth Record process. Here is the link:
The little link button is not working on the above word processing bar, so so you may have to cut and paste.
Also, our Website is now up and running which was launched 5 days ago for anyone who wishes to support our efforts and get involved in helping to build the future world without the status quo pieces of shit now currently running things. Our website and Cooperative crowd funding initiative website is:
I will take the time to write a Blog later this week as things are a little busy around here at the moment. Have a great week, talk to you all real soon.
Dean C Clifford.

Good to see you back! I will listen! rEsteemed!

You still alive? @frankbacon
Howdy Partner!
Check the memo field in your wallet.